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"I don't wonder the girls laughed," replied Leopold. "Why so?" asked Mr. Redmond, blankly. "You didn't quote it just as the poet 'What-you-call-him' wrote it, Stumpy can give it to you correctly." "'Water, water everywhere; Not any drop to drink," added Stumpy; "and Coleridge was the fellow that wrote it." "Not correct," protested Mr. Redmond, emphatically.

On January 5, after the queen's letter of December 16 had been received, he declared that Austria would support the elector of Treves, and would repel force by force, if he was attacked for the harbouring of émigrés. At the same moment Leopold resolved on an offensive alliance with Prussia. He explained his change of policy by the letters which showed him the true mind of the queen.

"Perhaps he was; but my boy hasn't the reputation of being mean," added the landlord. "I don't think Charley has any claim," said Mr. Redmond, senior, the father of the other Mr. Redmond, "however it may be with Stumpy." "Here he is, to speak for himself," added Mr. Hamilton, as Leopold entered the room. "They say you are mean because you would not divide the money with Charley.

This young prince went from court to court to solicit in his brother's name the coalition of the monarchical powers against principles which already threatened every throne. Received graciously at Florence by the Emperor of Austria, Leopold, the queen's brother, he obtained a few days afterwards at Mantua the promise of a force of 35,000 men.

Victory now kept pace with the march of the Duke of Lorraine. The Turks were driven from all their fortresses, and Leopold again had Hungary at his feet. His vengeance was such as might have been expected from such a man.

The fact seems to be that he and his Stockmar, on further consideration of the enterprise, did not like the look of it. Neither of them, especially Stockmar, desired a "crown of thorns," which their disinterested advisers would have had them take on heroic and ascetic principles. Leopold was rather attracted by the poetry of the thing: Stockmar was not.

The younger sister, who was by far the handsomer of the two, afterwards became the wife of Prince Gonzaga Solferino. The prince was a cultured man, and even a genius, but very poor. For all that he was a true son of Gonzaga, being a son of Leopold, who was also poor, and a girl of the Medini family, sister to the Medini who died in prison at London in the year 1787.

I also came across large quantities of alluvial tin, but this, again, was not of the slightest use, any more than it had been when I found it in very large quantities in the King Leopold Ranges. The test I applied to see whether it really was tin was to scratch it with my knife. Even when large quantities of native gold lay at my feet, I hardly stooped to pick it up, save as a matter of curiosity.

Had ever heart more need of thine, If thine indeed hath rest? Thy word, thy hand right soon did scare the bane That in their bodies death did breed: If thou canst cure my deeper pain, Then thou art Lord indeed. Leopold smiled sleepily as Wingfold read, and ere the reading was over, slept. "What can the little object want here?" said Mrs. Ramshorn.

The Englishman took the monocle from his eye and looked at it, wondering what had caused the sudden blur. "There was a fine old man there in the bygone days," said Johann. "And who was he?" "Lord Fitzgerald, the British minister. He and Leopold were close friends." Johann's investigating gaze went unrewarded. The Englishman's face had resumed its expression of mild curiosity.