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At the end of one of these spurs was a rocky outcrop, which would now be called a kopje, and holding this was a regiment of Dogras, while in support, under cover, lay the best part of a brigade of infantry. Just under the tail end of the kopje stood dismounted a squadron, fifty strong, of the Guides, under Captain Adams and Lieutenant Baldwin.

The Colonel was soon made acquainted with all that had passed, the Sergeant being his informant, and men were sent out to give a soldier's funeral to the dead Boer, who, with the Captain, must have dashed out in one of our skirmishes, after being wounded, and tried to escape by going right round the kopje, but had fallen by the way.

The boy's heart was heavy. When he reached the kraal gate the two girls met him. "Come," said the yellow-haired Em, "let us play coop. There is still time before it gets quite dark. You, Waldo, go and hide on the kopje; Lyndall and I will shut eyes here, and we will not look." The girls hid their faces in the stone wall of the sheep-kraal, and the boy clambered half way up the kopje.

"Boss Boers come to fetch up go and fight. Won't go." "Nonsense," I said. "I dare say they've only come to buy bullocks." "No," said the black, shaking his head fiercely. "Come to fetch Joeboy." "Here, don't run away." "On'y go up in kopje," he said. "Hide dar." He rushed away, and I was sure I knew where he would hide himself.

By the fitful gleam of the lightning Burke saw these things. The storm was passing, though the rain still beat down mercilessly. It would probably rain for many hours; but a faint vague light far down on the unseen horizon told of a rising moon. It would not be completely dark again. They splashed their way past the kopje, and immediately a loud roaring filled his ears.

That would be a weak point, but that it is protected by an outlying kopje known as Rifleman's Post on the far side of the river. This is occupied by a small body of the King's Royal Rifles, the other companies of which hold King's Post, an eminence from which the northern horn of the horse-shoe bends along by Cove Ridge, Junction Hill, Tunnel Hill, and Cemetery Hill, to Helpmakaar Hill.

She had noticed nothing as she mounted the cart neither the driver nor the horses; but, as they hurried on, she was roused by a familiar voice saying, "'E done it all right at Hetmeyer's Kopje done it brown. First Wortmann's Drift, and then Hetmeyer's Kopje, and he'll be over the hills and through the Boers and into Lordkop with the rest of the hold-me-backs."

To check the risings in Cape Colony, which for the time being were confined to the Prieska district, Kitchener had already sent out flying columns from De Aar. The tenacity and resolution of De Wet were never more conspicuous than during the disheartening days which followed his retirement from Kitchener's Kopje.

'Art for Art's sake, aspiration for aspiration's, faith for faith's! And some there be which have no memorial; who are perished as though they had never been; and are become as though they had never been born; and their children after them. 'Never mind, it was his turn to say. 'That granite kopje church is rising, and Magbwe Ruins stand the quick and the dead.

"No, I am not going back to-night, and I am not in any special hurry. If you were going on to the top of the kopje, may I come with you?" As they climbed slowly up the zigzag path, neither of them troubled to make conversation. All in a moment it had come back mysteriously, unaccountably the sense of understanding, the quiet kinship of minds for her, the sudden utter content at his nearness.