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It was not any sensation of the nature of jealousy so much as an unconquerable feeling that not to have all was to have nothing; that she must have all and for ever; that she and he must be one; one flesh and one spirit. Of course all this ought to be taught, and is taught to all respectably educated young persons in more regular and didactic fashion.

In that state there was no room for jealousy. The same faces, and among them HE and my wife, I saw in a different light. This music transported me into an unknown world, where there was no room for jealousy. Jealousy and the feelings that provoke it seemed to me trivialities, nor worth thinking of.

Passion was there, but it could not be easily labelled; it slipped between love and hatred and jealousy, and all the furniture of the pictorial style. And she was tragical only in the sense that she was great, for she loved to play on the side of Victory. Victory of what and over what that is more than the words of daily life can tell us.

So there!" "Well, if it was a sack! And after all, the young man was gone when I got down int' the street," concluded 'Manda Grier solemnly. Lemuel had thought she was talking about him; but now a pang of jealousy went through him, and showed at the eyes he fixed on her. "I don't know what I sh'd 'a' done," she resumed demurely, "if I hadn't have found Mr.

But it is also certain that a settlement of that kind would be viewed with extreme jealousy by the Dutch; whose possessions, in Java and other islands, render them practically masters of the whole Malay Archipelago.

She was looking at the moon, which shone upon her from between two low branches, and there was a sparkle in her eyes and a luminousness upon her cheek which to Malcolm did not seem to come from the moon only. He passed on, with the first pang of jealousy in his heart, feeling now for the first time that the space between Lady Florimel and himself was indeed a gulf.

The aspect of the latter I shall never forget. On the first impulse it expressed a Jean-Jacques sensibility, stirred by the signs of affection just surprised; then, immediately, darkened over it the jaundice of ecclesiastical jealousy. He spoke to me with unction. He looked on his pupil with sternness.

Henrich was now regarded as Chieftain of that branch of the Nausett tribe over which Tisquantum held authority; and so much had he. made himself both loved and respected during his residence among the red men, that all jealousy of his English origin and foreign complexion had gradually died away, and his guidance in war or in council was always promptly and implicitly followed.

That he thoroughly understood the politics of Europe is as certain as that jealousy of the greatness of France was with him a passion, a ruling passion, almost an infirmity.

Fists or a knuckle-duster did well enough for robbery, the inspector observed oracularly; it was only when a man went "a bit off his head" that he took to daggers; and there was more of that sort of thing about presumably meaning jealousy than any one would credit. Though, when it came to going it to that extent, the inspector's private opinion was that no woman was worth it.