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He soon became convinced that he might with impunity insult foreigners or envoys from friendly states; and at last it struck him that, while he insulted and ill used Europeans, he might as well keep in his hands an important man like a consul, as a hostage. News of Cameron's Imprisonment reaches Home Mr. Rassam is selected to proceed to the Court of Gondar, and is accompanied by Dr.

Perhaps some trusting Moro accepted the risk of the marital loan. Perhaps she induced the owner of a prau to row her across. However the distance was accomplished, it is to be hoped she was less reckless in her subsequent gambling, a husband having proved so bad a hostage. Another love story of different import comes from a village on the island of Siminor, just south of Bongao.

Thereupon he decided to destroy the guest that night while he lay in slumber, not expecting death. But before doing so he killed a poor hostage whom the Molossians had sent to him, cooked the half-living limbs in boiling water or broiled them over a fire, and placed them on the table before the guest for his evening meal.

It has been told that there was once a young man of free kindred and whose name was Hallblithe: he was fair, strong, and not untried in battle; he was of the House of the Raven of old time. This man loved an exceeding fair damsel called the Hostage, who was of the House of the Rose, wherein it was right and due that the men of the Raven should wed.

They have no fierce dreams of dominion over their superiors, or of moulding the world to any conceptions of their own. They are neither clever nor ambitious: they simply covet money. Alberic's gold: that is their demand, or else Freia, as agreed upon, whom they now carry off as hostage, leaving Wotan to consider their ultimatum.

Though it was not likely that the Duke of York would hang him if aware of his rank, he might be detained as a hostage or put to heavy ransom, or he might never be brought to the Duke's presence at all, but be put to death by some truculent underling, incredulous of a Scotsman's tale, if indeed he were not too proud to tell it. Anyway, Sir Patrick felt bound to stand by him.

"Just this, that if you will allow this young lady to ride on to Last Chance, on one of my stage-horses, for he will carry her safely there, I will remain your hostage until Landlord Larry sends the money out to you which you demand." "As a hostage you are of no value, but the lady is." "Well, again?" "What is it?" "If I pay you the amount you said was to be sent by me, will you let the lady go?"

Hartright. What hour is the clock to strike?" "Nine, to-morrow morning." "Nine, to-morrow morning? Yes, yes your trap is laid for me before I can get my passport regulated and leave London. It is not earlier, I suppose? We will see about that presently I can keep you hostage here, and bargain with you to send for your letter before I let you go.

Laudonnière himself throughout would have adopted moderate and conciliatory measures, but his men at length became impatient and seized one of the principal Indian chiefs as a hostage for the good behavior of his countrymen. A skirmish ensued, in which the French were victorious.

I asked, with unconcealed irony, forcing myself even against my will, to render my question bitterly offensive. "Yes, oh, yes! I would give myself as hostage for your honor. My life would be forfeited, too, if you should not keep the oath." I hesitated. The opportunity was an alluring one in a way, for it would render the entire organization like an open book to me.