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You but increase my heart-loneliness. Ah! my self-deluded boy, your fickle pledges only mean, to my sad experience, that you have made your own will everything, and my wish nothing. Valentine me no valentines, let me go." The young man turned abruptly and strode back to his newspapers. But he was too full of bitterness to read.

It seemed all a weary wandering and heart-loneliness as if I had been forced to go to merrymakings without the expectation of joy. And now it was worse. I was lost again, and I dreaded lest any stranger should notice me and speak to me. I had a terror of the world. None knew me; all would mistake me.

They seemed to speak of such long years of heart-loneliness such loving impulses strangled by the chill hand of solitude such weary familiarity with that deadness of life wherein no sympathy is bestowed, no love awakened that I felt as one witnessing a dead man recalled to life, after all that made life pleasant had fled. What a sorrowful house that Number Nineteen was!

"You cannot know how it soothes my extreme heart-loneliness to receive a token of remembrance, and word of cheer from those I have faithfully loved, and who knew and reverenced my husband.... Ellen Terry is very sweet as Ellaline, but dearer far as my Nellie." The Daly players were a revelation to me of the pitch of excellence which American acting had reached.

It is sometimes the case, that an old mariner like him will conceive a very strong attachment for some young sailor, his shipmate; an attachment so devoted, as to be wholly inexplicable, unless originating in that heart-loneliness which overtakes most seamen as they grow aged; impelling them to fasten upon some chance object of regard.

In his utter heart-loneliness, he more than ever needed her. And the reminder of Lance crowned all. "My darling don't go off at a tangent, that way," he implored her, his lips against her hair. "For me it's a sacred bond. It can't be snapped in a fit of temper like a bit of knotted thread. I'll accept ... what I can't see clear. We'll stand by each other, as you said.

I tell my story, not as I saw it then, but as I see it now. A long and lonely voyage, with its monotonous days and sleepless nights its sickness and heart-loneliness, has given me opportunities for analysing my past history which were impossible then, amid the ceaseless in-rush of new images, the ceaseless ferment of their re-combination, in which my life was passed from sixteen to twenty-five.

Her genius brought with it an inestimable blessing. It gave her a purpose in life, consequently she was never in want of occupation; and if at intervals she bitterly felt that heart-loneliness which Mrs. Browning has so touchingly expressed in verse, "'My father! thou hast knowledge, only thou!

"Be sure I will ask you," she said, with the pity that her own heart-loneliness had taught her in her voice. "I can't understand what it is that you think may happen; it seems to me as if " She broke off, held by the thought that disaster could hardly have another arrow in its quiver for her. "You may be sure if I think you can help me, I will ask you.