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"Nhm!" said Alan, "it looks queer. We saw nothing of them this morning on the Whins; he's passed us by, he doesnae seem to be looking, and yet here he is on our road! Dod, Davie, I begin to take a notion. I think it's no you they're seeking, I think it's me; and I think they ken fine where they're gaun." "They ken?" I asked.

Ye maunna think I'm gaun to do ony preachin' business down at East-end, there's too much o' that an' tract-givin' already.

I know that, for I drew the interest for her; it would be desirable now for the trustees and legatees to have the Colonel's advice about the time and mode of converting them into money. For my part I think but there's Mr. Mortcloke to tell us they are gaun to lift. Mr.

It looks brave and baggy." "I think I will do without for the present," said Ralph. "Aweel," said Jock, "ye may, but I'm gaun to hae my breakfast a' the same, sillar or no sillar." In twenty minutes he was back by the dykeside, where he had left Ralph sitting, twining Winsome's purse through his fingers, and thinking on the future, and all that was awaiting him in Edinburgh town.

"What, in the name of Sathan, are ye feared for, wi' your French gibberish, that would make a dog sick? Tell Colonel Mannering that I ken he's seeking me. He kens, and I ken, that the blood will be wiped out, and the lost will be found, "And Bertram's right and Bertram's mlght Shall meet on Ellangowan height. Hae, there's a letter to him, I was gaun to send it in another way.

"Never a sign of it," said I. "Nhm!" said Alan, "it looks queer. We saw nothing of them this morning on the Whins; he's passed us by, he doesnae seem to be looking, and yet here he is on our road! Dod, Davie, I begin to take a notion. I think it's no you they're seeking, I think it's me; and I think they ken fine where they're gaun." "They ken?" I asked.

But I often saw James Laidlaw after this; and somehow or other I aye met him just as I was coming out o' the kirk, and weel do I recollect that, one Sabbath in particular, he said to me 'Diana, will ye no come out and tak a walk after ye get your dinner? 'I dinna ken, James, says I; 'I doubt I daurna, for our folk are very particular, and baith my faither and my mother are terribly against onything like gaun about stravaigin on the Sundays. 'Oh, they need never ken where ye're gaun, says he.

"Ou than, he just said, if there comes such a person to inquire after Mr. Glossin But little did I think what skating wark he was gaun about to shoot Mr. Charles, the innocent lamb!" Mr.

"For herself," she said, "she kend her lot would be a waesome ane, but it was of her own framing, sae she desired the less pity. But, for her friends' satisfaction, she wished them to know that she was gaun nae ill gate that they who had done her maist wrong were now willing to do her what justice was in their power; and she would, in some warldly respects, be far better off than she deserved.

Duff-Whalleys about; you be thankful you've only one in the place. Priorsford is a very charitable place, I think. The poor people here don't know they're born after London, and the clergy seem very active too." "Oh, they are that. I daur say they're as guid as is gaun. Mr. Morrison is a fine man if marriage disna ruin him." "Oh, surely not!" "There's no sayin'," said Bella gloomily.