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She saw, on the Greensward separating the promenade from the beach, that a rustic seat had been elaborately built by the Council round the great trunk of the only tree in Frinton; and she decided that there had been questionable changes since her time. And in this way she went on.

"And what are the folks like in Frinton?" she demanded, blushing, and looking up. As she looked up young Siegfried looked down, lest he might encounter her glance and be utterly discountenanced. Jane Foley's question was unfortunate. "We know nothing of them," said Mrs. Spatt, pained. "Of course I have received and paid a few purely formal calls.

Meanwhile, at any rate in the coach, the fabric of society seemed to be holding together fairly well. Before the train was half-way to Frinton Mr. Prohack judged and rightly that he was already there. The fact was that he had been there ever since entering the saloon.

When the policeman held up his hand as we came through Ellsworth I thought you were caught. I shall just go home." "I don't care much about going to Frinton, Jenny," said Audrey. Indeed, Moze lay within not many miles of Frinton-on-Sea. Then Audrey and Miss Ingate observed a phenomenon that was both novel and extremely disturbing. Tears came into the eyes of Jane Foley.

It flattered him; she liked him, though he had bought his peerage; he was a fine player so was she; and lastly they had had business relations, and financially Lord Partick watched over her as over a young girl. Mr. Prohack was relieved thus to learn that Lady Massulam had not strolled into the Majestic Hotel, Frinton, to play bridge with nobody in particular.

"It doesn't really matter whether you go to Frinton now or next month, or even next year but one. You're a powerful woman and you'll last a long time yet, especially if you don't worry. I won't call for about a week, and if you'd like to consult another doctor, do." He smiled on her in an avuncular manner, and rose. Whereupon Mr. Prohack also jumped up.

Miss Ingate put in, "I'd been dining at the Proctors' and it was after ten, I know it was after ten because they never let me leave until after ten, in spite of the long drive I have. Fancy there being a train from Frinton after ten! So of course I brought Miss Foley along. Oh! It was vehy interesting. Vehy interesting. You see we had to think of the police.

Nor did these problems appear to her to have an importance at all equal to the importance of hiding from the detective that she had been staying at Frinton. If he followed her to Frinton he would inevitably discover that Jane Foley was at Frinton, and the sequel would be more imprisonment for Jane. Therefore Audrey must not return to Frinton.

In the farther corner of the carriage my distinguished friend Sir George Frinton was beginning to collect his belongings. I just had time to pull myself together when the train stopped, and out of the waiting line of porters a man stepped forward and flung open the carriage door. He was about to possess himself of my fellow passenger's bag when the latter waved him aside.

"You may see your friend Lady Massulam," said she, as the car entered the precincts of the station. "Why Lady Massulam?" he asked. "Didn't you know she's got a house at Frinton?" replied Mrs. Prohack. "Everybody has in these days. It's the thing." She didn't see him into the train, because she was in a hurry about butlers. Mr.