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In a chart of the Falkland Islands, by Captain Sulivan, R.N., it appears that there are several examples there of straits where the soundings diminish regularly towards the narrowest part.

Falkland! art thou the offspring, in whom the lineaments of these tyrants are faithfully preserved? Was the world, with all its climates, made in vain for thy helpless unoffending victim? Tremble! Tyrants have trembled, surrounded with whole armies of their Janissaries! What should make thee inaccessible to my fury? No, I will use no daggers! I will unfold a tale!

'It's too late, Miss Falkland, I said. 'We're all thankful to you for the way you've spoken. Jim and I would be proud to shed our blood for you any time, or Mr. Falkland either. We'll do what we can, but we'll have to fight it out to the end now, and take our chance of the bullet coming before the rope. Good-night, Miss Falkland, and good luck to you always.

The sword-grass, as I call it, seems to be the same that grows in Falkland Isles, described by Bougainville as a kind of gladiolus, or rather a species of gramen* and named by Pernety corn-flags. The animals found on this little spot are sea-lions, sea-bears, a variety of oceanic, and some land-birds.

As they stood there confronting each other, the stern young King on one side and his kinsmen on the other, with a quarter of a century of wrong between them, the shadow of the young prince at Falkland, and the old father at Rothesay, and the eighteen years of captivity full in the minds of all, what a day of reckoning at last!

On the other hand, the child of long generations of ignorant and laborious boors may be humane, honorable, and modest, but with total ignorance of the usages of good society. He may be as upright as Washington, as unselfish as Sidney, as brave as Bayard, as modest as Falkland. But he may also outrage all the little social proprieties. Is he a gentleman because he is honest and modest and humane?

Horses, rapid increase of, in South America; diminution of canine teeth in; dreaming; of the Falkland Islands and Pampas; numerical proportion of the sexes, in; lighter in winter in Siberia; sexual preferences in; pairing preferently with those of the same colour; numerical proportion of male and female births in; formerly striped. Hottentot women, peculiarities of.

Among them were Lord Falkland, John Hales, and William Chillingworth, the last of whom is famous for his unflinching protest that 'the Bible, the Bible only, is the religion of Protestants, a saying which was as good as a charter to those who based their so-called heresies on the explicit words of Scripture.

The ships engaged were the Queen Elizabeth, with her main battery of 15-inch guns, the Inflexible, veteran of the fight off the Falkland Islands, the Agamemnon, Cornwallis, Triumph, and Vengeance. In addition to these British ships there were the French battleships Suffren, Gaulois, and Bouvet, and a fleet of destroyers.

The only remarkable apartment was a large and well-proportioned gallery with a painted roof tempore Jacobi Sexti and built after his succession to the throne of England. I noticed a curious thing, a hollow column concealed the rope which rung the Castle bell, keeping it safe from injury and interruption. The town of Falkland is old, with very narrow streets.