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'And to-day I have been to see her, and the night has brought good luck! For Elvira, my dear Kendal, will be produced on or about the 20th November, in this year of grace, and Isabel Bretherton will play the heroine, and your friend is already plunged in business, and aglow with hope and expectation. How I wish how we all wish that you were here! I feel more and more penitent towards you.

It chanced that Elvira was so much tired by all the little excitements of the night, that for once she laid aside her company manners, which were both easy and correct, and in the most natural manner in the world leaned her head on Leon's shoulder.

And in his "Spanish Friar," Lorenzo says to Elvira that they "will travel together to the ridge of the world, and then drop together into the next." It is idle for us poor Yankees to hope that we can invent anything.

As they proceeded together up the white curving road, over the crest of the verdant bluff, Elvira announced her further intentions. "I am not going to live with you. I am going to board with the Smiths. I want to get to the bottom of this business, and see the apparitions myself." "There are no apparitions," said Susannah gently.

He would tell you so himself." "I daresay. He would talk of the touch of Midas again. Elvira will be sadly disappointed. She had some fancy of presenting him to it as soon as he was ordained!" "Getting the fairies meantime to build the whole concern in secret? Dear Elfie, her plans are generous and kind.

Sapp rose up from the quilt she was quilting, and, greeting Elvira cordially, invited her to lay off her things meaning her hat and cloak and take a chair. Mary was in the kitchen, a small shed-room attached to the cabin, getting supper. Elvira looked around her. The hewn logs which formed the walls were well chinked in the cracks, and neatly whitewashed. A home-made rag carpet covered the floor.

Eight days hence, the procession passed out of the city gates, and the Cid went first, with Doña Elvira on his right hand, and Doña Sol on his left. For the space of a league he rode, and then he reined up his horse. Calling his nephew Don Ordoño to his side, he bade him follow unperceived, and bring back news of what befell his daughters. And so they parted.

The dawn came sighing fitfully, long sighs that rose in the distant fields to the east meeting them in their pilgrimage and dying away westward; the dawn wept also, scattering her tears upon them in like transient showers. Elvira found her own horse. The Danite had used yesterday the animal he had provided for Susannah. "But what right have I to his horse?"

Brownlow, and I am sure no one congratulates you more heartily than I." "Don't; it can't be," cried the heiress, nearly crying, and wringing the old farmer's hand. "He must have meant Elvira. You know he sent for you. Has everything been hunted over? There must be a later will." "Indeed, Mrs. Brownlow," said the solicitor, "you may rest assured that full search has been made. Mr.

The supper is interrupted by Donna Elvira, who comes to plead on her knees with Don Giovanni to change his mode of life. He mocks at her solicitude and invites her to sit with him at table. She leaves the room in despair, but sends back a piercing shriek from the corridor.