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"Put your trust in God," Guillaumette Dyonis answered her. "Amen!" returned Simone la Bardine. "But I have not told you the worst. On the Thursday before St, John's day, at three after midnight, two Englishmen came knocking at my door.

On the hog's-back parting the great moat from the little, stood the Maid, crying: "Yield, yield you to the King of France." The English had abandoned the top of the wall in terror, leaving their dead and wounded behind them. Guillaumette Dyonis walked first, her head high and her left arm extended before her, while with her right hand she kept signing herself reverently.

Bartholomew's day, in the Cloister of "The Innocents." On the eve of that day more than six thousand persons spent the night in the Cloister. At the foot of the platform wherefrom he was to preach, the women sat squatted on their heels, and amongst them Guillaumette Dyonis, who was blind from birth.

Some plucked threads from his gown, thinking to get healing by putting them, like relics of the Saints, on the places where they were afflicted. Guillaumette Dyonis followed the good Father as easily as if she saw him with her bodily eyes. Simone la Bardine trailed behind her, sobbing. She had pulled off her horned wimple and tied a kerchief round her head.

But Guillaumette Dyonis, standing up with her arms lifted to heaven, cried in a voice as clear as the sound of bells: "My sisters, Jeanne, Opportune and Simone, and you, my brother, Robin the gardener, let us be going, for the times are at hand. The soul of this good Father holds me by the hand, and it will lead me aright. Wherefore ye must follow along with me.

From that day my affairs have gone from bad to worse, and I have naught in the wide world but the clothes I stand up in. In very despair I have come hither to hear the good Father, who they say abounds in comforting words." "God, who loves you," said Guillaumctte Dyonis, "has moved you in all this." Then a great silence fell on the crowd as Brother Joconde appeared.

Thomas Steuens. Iohn Sampson. Dyonis Haruie. Roger Prat. George How. Simon Fernando. Nicholas Iohnson. Thomas Warner. Anthony Cage. Iohn Iones. William Willes. Iohn Brooke. Cutbert White. Iohn Bright. Clement Tayler. William Sole. Iohn Cotsmur. Humfrey Newton. Thomas Colman. Thomas Gramme. Marke Bennet. Iohn Gibbes. Iohn Stilman. Robert Wilkinson. Iohn Tydway. Ambrose Viccars. Edmond English.

Then these holy women, and the gardener with them, followed after Guillaumette Dyonis, who led them by the streets and squares and alleys as if her eyes had seen the light of day. They reached the foot of the rampart, and by the stairway of a tower that was left unguarded, they mounted onto the curtain-wall.

But on reaching the river bank, Brother Joconde sat down under an elm, and Guillaumette Dyonis came up to him and said: "Father, it hath been revealed to me in vision that you are come to this Kingdom to restore the same to good peace and concord. I have had myself many revelations concerning the peace of the Kingdom."

Drawing her gown over her feet, she lay still and made no other stir, but gave up her soul, sighing the name of Jesus. Her eyes, which remained open, glowed like two opals. Short while after the death of Guillaumette Dyonis the men of Paris returned in great force to man their Wall, and defended their city right valorously.