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The seclusion and retirement in which he had taken refuge for the past few days had left him in ignorance of the public exasperation in his regard, the sermons, the dithyrambs with which the newspapers were filled on the subject of his corrupting wealth, articles written for effect, hypocritical verbiage to which public opinion resorts from time to time to revenge itself on the innocent for all its concessions to the guilty.

The want of enthusiasm which has been sometimes rather sillily charged against him, comes in reality to no more than this that he is too busy in analysing, putting together again, comparing, setting things in different lights and in different companies, to have much time for dithyrambs.

"Love," they sang in their dithyrambs, "weaves flowery chains to unite forever Austria and Gaul. Peoples shed tears, but tears of enthusiasm and gratitude. Long live Louise and Napoleon!" In every street, in every square, there were transparencies, mottoes, flags, mythological emblems, temples of Hymen, angels of peace and concord, Fame with her trumpet.

All the company marched in pomp with unspeakable joy, loaded with an infinite number of trophies, pageants, and spoils, playing and singing merry epiniciums, songs of triumph, and also rural lays and dithyrambs.

It would be far poorer to-day without the tender lines of Longfellow, the serene and philosophic pages of Emerson, the convincing wit and clear criticism of my illustrious departed friend, James Russell Lowell, the Catullus-like perfection of the lyrics of Edgar Allan Poe, and the glorious, large-tempered dithyrambs of Walt Whitman.

The heat of her language communicated itself to the brain, and the dithyrambs on her lips were spoken out of the abundance of her heart.

The hero's name was still on the lips of the two men who worshipped him, and Clyffurde, faithful to his attitude of detachment from political conflicts, listened quite unmoved to the impassioned dithyrambs of his friends.

This alone cannot be imparted by another; it is the mark of genius, for to make good metaphors implies an eye for resemblances. Of the various kinds of words, the compound are best adapted to Dithyrambs, rare words to heroic poetry, metaphors to iambic. In heroic poetry, indeed, all these varieties are serviceable.

Respectfully we lend our ears to dithyrambs about the sacredness of motherhood and the value of "better babies" but we shut our eyes and our ears to the unpleasant reality and the cries of pain that come from women who are to-day dying by the thousands because this power is withheld from them.

"Am I doing anything specially ridiculous?" she murmured sleepily from his shoulder. "I was just remembering. A year ago tonight I was frightened almost into a faint. I thought living together might turn out to be hard." "And we know that is perfectly absurd." You must excuse them. If they had been lovers out of a book, they would have talked in dithyrambs or long perfervid paragraphs.