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Look at 'Cyrano' they liked Mansfield and his acting, but they didn't like the show. They said they liked the show, and thought they did, but they didn't. If they'd like it as much as they said they did, that show would be running like 'Uncle Tom's Cabin. Speaking of that" he paused, coughed, and went on "I'm glad you've got the ingenue's part straightened out in this piece.

Rostand, in Cyrano de Bergerac, has shown us theCadetsof Molière’s time, a fighting, rhyming, devil-may-care band, who wore their hearts on their sleeves and chips on their stalwart shoulders; much such a brotherhood, in short, as we love to imagine that Shakespeare, Kit Marlowe, Greene, and their intimates formed when they met at theShipto celebrate a success or drink a health to the drama.

Everyone will remember the effective appearance of Cyrano de Bergerac in the first act of the fine play of that name; when instead of leaping in by any hackneyed door or window, he suddenly springs upon a chair above the crowd that has so far kept him invisible; "les bras croisés, le feutre en bataille, la moustache hérissée, le nez terrible."

Chaps do get touches of the sun, you know, especially when the weather's hot." She looked at me, and I saw that she was putting in a bit of the old drenched-irises stuff. "It was like you to say that, Bertie. I respect you for it." "Oh, no." "Yes. You have a splendid, chivalrous soul." "Not a bit." "Yes, you have. You remind me of Cyrano." "Who?" "Cyrano de Bergerac." "The chap with the nose?"

The tragedy of this man whose dauntless spirit so far outgrew his physical appearance being compelled to sell cheeses, hams, molasses, etc, in order to live, is far more pitiful to me than the stern virginity of Queen Elizabeth, or even the nose of Cyrano de Bergerac.

I can wait the rest of my life, if I have to, but I'll do it sometime." "I can't wait so long," von Ohlmhorst said. "The rest of my life will only be a few years, and when the Schiaparelli orbits in, I'll be going back to Terra on the Cyrano." "I wish you wouldn't. This is a whole new world of archaeology. Literally." "Yes."

Could it be possible that under his rough exterior the poor fellow had all the sentiment and fiery imagination of Cyrano, and suffered the same sensitive torment about his appearance. Did William, like Cyrano, shudder when his eye rested even on his own shadow? Did he feel that because of his physical failings the love of woman must be for ever denied him?

It is a refuge from the world, and not even, properly speaking, a part of it. Their wit is a thin sheet of shining ice over the eternal waters of bitterness. 'Cyrano de Bergerac' came to us as the new decoration of an old truth, that merriment was one of the world's natural flowers, and not one of its exotics.

In a subtle comedy, or a psychological tragedy, the essential characters should have the stage as much as possible to themselves. In Becque's La Parisienne there are only four characters and a servant; in Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac there are fifty-four personages named in the playbill, to say nothing of supernumeraries.

But Randolph saw himself a Henry of Navarre white plumes; a Richard of the Lion Heart crusades and red crosses; a Cyrano without the nose "These be cadets of Gascony " "You see, MacDonald," he said, flaming, "we Randolphs have always done it." "Done what?" "Fought. There's been a Randolph in every war over here, and before that in a long line of battles "