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"Ah, statistics" said the other; "wonderful things, sir, statistics; very fond of them myself." "I find, for instance," the first man went on, "that a drop of water is filled with little...with little...I forget just what you call them...little er things, every cubic inch containing er containing...let me see..." "Say a million," said the other thinker, encouragingly.

Boulton and Watt have found that in their marine flue boilers, 9 square feet of flue and furnace surface are requisite to boil off a cubic foot of water per hour, which is the proportion of heating surface that is allowed in their land boilers per horse power; but inasmuch as in most modern engines, and especially in marine engines, the nominal considerably exceeds the actual power, they allow 11 or 12 square feet of heating surface per nominal horse power in their marine boilers, and they reckon as effective heating surface the tops of the flues, and the whole of the sides of the flues, but hot the bottoms.

Owing to the violence of the eruption, Krakatoa poured forth no lava, but the dust and ashes which ascended into the air or, in other words, the finely divided lava which escaped into the atmosphere probably amounted in bulk to more than twenty cubic miles.

The matter of which it was composed was gas, of such an extraordinary and unimaginable gasiness that millions of cubic miles of it might easily be compressed into a common antibilious pill-box. The pill-box itself, in fact, is the net result of a prolonged secular condensation of myriads of such enormous cubes of this primæval matter.

"So, then, in place of 1,600,000 pounds of powder, we shall have but 400,000 pounds of fulminating cotton; and since we can, without danger, compress 500 pounds of cotton into twenty-seven cubic feet, the whole quantity will not occupy a height of more than 180 feet within the bore of the Columbiad.

The burrow terminates in a cul-de-sac, in a fairly roomy chamber with unbroken walls, which shows not the least vestige of communication with any other burrow or prolongation of the shaft. Taking its length and diameter into account, we find the excavation has a total volume of about twelve cubic inches. What becomes of the earth which is removed?

For the titration of iron with chameleon solution, the latter is commonly used of such a strength that 0.01 gramme of iron corresponds to about one cubic centimeter of chameleon solution, which is obtained by dissolving 5.75 grammes permanganate of potash in 1,000 cubic centimeters water. The titration is determined by means of iron, a salt of iron or oxalic acid.

In locomotives, where the heat of the furnace is very intense, there will be the same economy of fuel with an allowance of 5 or 6 square feet of surface to evaporate a cubic foot of water as in common marine boilers with 10 or 12. Q. What is the method of consuming smoke pursued in the manufacturing districts?

At this height it was lost in a cloud for an instant, and, reappearing, rose to a great height, and was again lost in higher clouds. The ascent was a splendid success. The rain that fell damped neither the balloon nor the ardor of the spectators. This balloon was 12 feet in diameter, 38 feet in circumference, and had a capacity of 943 cubic feet.

Many similar exaggerated accounts of their economy in consumption were circulated, and the public, on the strength of these figures, bought. It was understood that 17·6 cubic ft. of gas were required per horse-power per hour, but it was found that as much as 105 cubic ft. were often consumed.