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Nor does it appear that much sediment is contributed by the Bahr-el-Azrek, which flows through forests for a great part of its course. Deposits of the Nile. Its smallest delivery is 186 cubic metres, or 6,569 cubic feet, its greatest 5,156 cubic metres, or 152,094 cubic feet.

He used to come to me secretly that I might figure out for him the cubic contents of a ditch or the superficial area of a wall.

The glabella. b. "But the cranium, in its present condition, is stated by Professor Schaaffhausen to contain 1033.24 cubic centimetres of water, or, in other words, about 63 English cubic inches. As the entire skull could hardly have held less than 12 cubic inches more, its minimum capacity may be estimated at 75 cubic inches.

And, since the piece itself was rigidly mounted to its frame, and the frame to the ship, the giant bulk of five million cubic feet of water, thirty-two million pounds of mass; and the matching mass-bulk of the ship itself, responded to the full mosquito-sized strength of the six hundred forty pound thrust, and was moved a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a centimeter in the first second; a fraction of a fraction in the second; a fraction....

The first four are of gas from the same well; samples taken on the same day that they were analyzed. The two last are from two different wells in the East Liberty district: "We will now show how the natural gas compares with coal, weight for weight, or, in other words, how many cubic feet of natural gas contain as many heat units as a given weight of coal, say a ton.

English, and the arroba 25 1/2 lbs. English. The cavan is a measure of the capacity of 5,998 cubic inches, and is subdivided into 25 quintas. The Spanish yard, or vara, is eight per cent. shorter than the British yard, by which latter all the cotton and other manufactures are sold by the merchants importing them, although the shopkeepers who purchase them retail everything by the Spanish yard.

If, however, it is recalled that normal solutions are equivalent to each other, it will be seen that the same result may be more readily reached by dividing the weight in grams of sodium carbonate per cubic centimeter just found by titration by the weight which would be contained in the same volume of a normal solution of sodium carbonate.

One hydraulic company, of whose labors I have a note, washed two hundred and twenty-four thousand cubic feet of dirt in six days, using two hundred inches of water, and employing ten men.

The pickaxes hardly made any impression on the rock, but its disaggregation was effected with really remarkable facility by means of the fulgurator. A few grains of this explosive shattered the rocky mass and reduced it to almost impalpable powder that one's breath could disperse as easily as vapor. The explosion produced an excavation measuring fully a cubic yard.

The position of the valves is then changed again so as to send a current of steam into the apparatus in a direction contrary to that which the air took in the last place, and the water gas obtained again is sent to the gasometer. The inventor estimates that the cost of the coal necessary for his process will not exceed a tenth of a cent per cubic foot of gas.