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Yet he was a guide of no mean order, who made up for the poverty of what he had to show by a copious, imaginative commentary. 'And such, said he, with a hiccup, 'such is Paris. 'Pooh! said Dick, who was tired of the performance. The Admiral hung an ear, and looked up sidelong with a glimmer of suspicion. 'Good night, said Dick; 'I'm tired.

When these words were written, says Dr. Barnes in his "Commentary," "the books that now constitute what we call the Bible were not collected into a single volume. That passage, therefore, should not be adduced as referring to the whole of the Sacred Scriptures."

Neither does the painter who observes human nature closely and represents it with a detailed commentary upon its characteristics usually convey the impression of any subjective emotion. Menzel is no exception to this rule. In his work he appears as emotionless as a machine, but his accomplishment is not mechanical. It is, on the contrary, the record of a busy, highly individualized, accurate mind.

What a commentary upon the divine systems of the World! In the days of Thomas Paine the church was ignorant, bloody, and relentless. In Scotland the "kirk" was at the summit of its power. It was a full sister of the Spanish Inquisition. It waged war upon human nature. It was the enemy of happiness, the hater of joy, and the despiser of liberty.

It was not the striking novelty or profundity of her commentary on life that made it memorable, it was simply the truth of what she said and the gentleness with which she said it. Epigrams are worth little for guidance to the perplexed, and less for comfort to the wounded.

This Justin volume is not of that number, but we have a clue to its history which may be deemed sufficient. It contains St. Jerome's Commentary on Daniel and the Minor Prophets, followed by a tract of St. It is a very uncommon text. Can we trace this volume any farther back than 1594?

But Edgar kept his eyes discreetly guided, and no one caught a wandering glance anywhere: he merely laughed and put it by as a good joke, looking as if he had devoted himself to celibacy for life, and that the Hill would never receive another mistress than the one whom it had now. "I wonder if the rector means Miss Birkett?" blundered Alick as his commentary in a low voice to Leam.

Emma sat by the window, and made a running commentary upon everybody and everything we passed in a strain of what seemed to us irresistible wit and humour. I fear that our conduct was not very decorous, but in the circumstances we were to be excused. The reaction was overwhelming.

Till the 27th August of the following year the executioner never rested, and when Requesens, successor to Alva, caused the prisons of Mons to be opened, there were found still seventy-five individuals condemned to the block, and awaiting their fate. It is the most dreadful commentary upon the times in which these transactions occurred, that they could sink so soon into oblivion.

We all know to-day the interminable study that engages the theologians in their attempts to describe the battles and schisms in the early Christian Church. And there can be no doubt that, if socialism fulfills the purpose which its advocates have in mind, these early struggles in its history will become the object of endless research and commentary.