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In the mean time, the elk had manfully breasted the rapids, carefully choosing the shallow places; and the whole pack, being mad with excitement, had plunged into the waters regardless of the danger. I thought every hound would have been lost.

Franklin's own account of what followed is here given: The British government, not choosing to permit the union of the colonies as proposed at Albany, and to trust that union with their defence, lest they should thereby grow too military and feel their own strength, suspicions and jealousies at this time being entertained of them, sent over General Braddock with two regiments of regular English troops for that purpose.

As she more than hinted, the purpose of her life seemed to be taken from her. She could not perceive that fact without some consternation; could not instantly connect it with another, which should enable her to look around her with the deliberation of a liberated spirit, choosing her new work. And in this she was acted upon by more than the fear arising from the influences of her old belief.

I think it was in the year 1662 or '63 it may have been a year or two earlier or later, I cannot say at this distance of time the Duchess of York, who, with her husband, lived in Whitehall Palace with King Charles, announced her intention of choosing her maids of honor by personal inspection.

D'Herbelot tells this story of Athejaj, a famous Arabian commander: While he and a camel driver were talking together, a bird flew over their heads, making, at the same time, an unusual sort of noise, which the camel driver hearing, looked steadfastly on Athejaj, and demanded who he was. Athejaj, not choosing to answer, desired to know the reason of that question.

Samuel has to learn two lessons, as he is bidden to repress the too quick thought: one, that he is not choosing, but only registering God's choice; and one, that the qualifications for God's king are inward, not bodily.

"Oh, I don't mean to say that even that kind of girl won't get on, if she gives her mind to it; but I think I should prefer a little less plain-mindedness, as you call it, if I were a man." I did not know exactly what to say to this, and I let Mrs. March go on. "It's so in the smallest thing. If you're choosing a thing for her, and she likes another, she lets you feel it at once.

This letter I was promised should be punctually delivered. I had now the painful duty to perform of choosing between Henriette and Genevieve, as only one attendant was allowed me at <Pont aux Dames>. Henriette pleaded her claim as my servant, while the excellent Genevieve timidly urged her early friendship. "Let chance decide it," cried I. They drew lots, and Genevieve was selected.

And it seemed to him, when his turn came to play, that he floated, rather than walked, to the dais. He had not considered what he would play tonight. Nor, maybe, was he conscious now of choosing. His fingers caressed the keyboard vaguely; and anon this ivory had voice and language; and for its master, and for some of his hearers, arose a vision.

Most unwisely I maintained my point and" he indicated the broken crock and littered table "you see the consequences." "Wandle is a bit of a rogue," said Prescott, choosing the safest topic. "I've told you so." "You have. For all that, he's useful and I don't mind being robbed in moderation; I'm a man who's accustomed to losing things." His half-mocking tone grew serious.