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"I've got a date at one that means life and death to me. Would you mind taking me down to the nearest Elevated or here, let me run it." Almost before Barbara was aware of what was happening they had changed places and the machine, under Monty's guidance, was tearing over the ground. "Of all the casual people," said the girl, by no means unequal to the excitement, "I believe you're kidnapping me."

So it is to be feared that the sad little story of the girl who drowned herself because he who loved her, made casual and, so to speak, duty-love to a married woman, had not occurred to him, as Brigit in her new-found kindliness of supposition, took for granted.

A fair young man, in the heavily ornamented light blue uniform of his regiment, to a casual observer his countenance bore neither the marks of dissipation nor the signs of intellectual power and force of character. But he was only in the late twenties, and "there is time yet." He is the idol of the army, and the devoted friend of Bismarck.

If any one sets serious value upon the point of difference between his own ideal and that which is current, if he thinks that his 'experiment in living' has promise of real worth, and that if more persons could be induced to imitate it, some portion of mankind would be thus put in possession of a better kind of happiness, then it is selling a birthright for a mess of pottage to abandon hopes so rich and generous, merely in order to avoid the passing and casual penalties of social disapproval.

He had employed himself, as we have seen, in throwing his tomahawk at Leland; and learning through a casual remark that he was to be put to the torture, he expressed his opinion strongly in favor of it, urging them at the same time to do it as soon as possible. He made himself perfectly at home, and was so free among them, that a stranger would have considered him one of the leading characters.

If he addressed me when strangers were about, he always raised his voice a little and called me "Sir Richard," or "General," or "Your Lordship" and when people began to stare and look deferential, he would fall to inquiring in a casual way why I disappointed the Duke of Argyll the night before; and then remind me of our engagement at the Duke of Westminster's for the following day.

"You're a very puzzling person," said she And when a woman says that to a man, deep has begun to call to deep. To her went the patroness of Art, on leaving Julien's "grenier" that day. "Cecily," she said, in the most casual manner she could contrive, "who is Julien Tenney?" "Nobody." "You know what I mean," pleaded the girl. "What is he?"

He 'consecrated one of his own sons who became his priest, till he got hold of a casual young Levite, and said, 'Be unto me a father and a priest, for ten shekels per annum, a suit of clothes, and board and lodging.

There was something symbolic in their emptiness. "You won't come back. It's the end. You weren't sent, after all." How or why he said it, he never could tell. The words were utterly unpremeditated. He spoke them, ordinarily and unemotionally, as though throwing out a casual suggestion. "We could get married, if that would make you happier." "It's what I'd like." His heart missed a beat.

She had accepted John Derby's casual words, "The Europeans do a lot of beautiful talking and picturesque posing, but when it comes to real devotion you will find that one of your Uncle Samuel's nephews will come out ahead." All that was ended; there was no more question about what the Europeans would do when it came to a test.