United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I desire, however, to be understood while making this statement that the colonial authorities of Canada are not deemed to be intentionally unjust or unfriendly toward the United States, but, on the contrary, there is every reason to expect that, with the approval of the Imperial Government, they will take the necessary measures to prevent new incursions across the border.

He was now bishop of Quebec, directly dependent upon the Holy See and not upon the king of France. Duchesneau came to Canada with the reputation of having proved a capable official at Tours. By temper and training Frontenac was ill-disposed to share authority with any one. In the absence of bishop and intendant he had filled the centre of the stage.

But seventeen per cent., high as it seems, does not fully represent the mortality amongst the Famine emigrants. Speaking of those who went to Canada in 1847, Dr.

The action of the Lower Canadian house on this matter was communicated to the assembly of Upper Canada by a letter of Mr. Papineau to Mr. Bidwell, who laid it before his house just before the prorogation in 1835.

"Let us talk of Canada," said he. "I have no friends yet to offer you, though you shall have some young dogs like yourself very soon. What do you like? riding, hunting, a quiet minuet on the terrace, eh? Ah me, the coquettes of Quebec! I well remember them." Germain expressed gratitude for the amusements offered. "I will tell you why I love Canada," continued the Chevalier.

But since the expression of these emphatic opinions the tendency of legislation in the majority of the provinces but not in French Canada, where the Roman Catholic clergy still largely control their own schools has been to encourage secular and not religious education. It would be instructive to learn whether either morality or Christianity has been the gainer.

Long may Canada recognise her rule, and rejoice in her sway! Should she ever be so unwise as to relinquish the privileges she enjoys under the sovereignty of the mother country, she may seek protection nearer and fare worse! The sorrows and trials that I experienced during my first eight years' residence in Canada, have been more than counterbalanced by the remaining twelve of comfort and peace.

"A don't just like the sound of it; what's your plan?" "To go out with a gun till I get them; the way your own Mounted Police do up in Canada! I'm going to quit monkeying with technicalities in the twilight zone . . . and go out . . . after the man."

The colonist who raised the militia and saved Canada, as you have justly remarked elsewhere, was knighted, while he who did no more than his duty as an officer in the army, was compensated for two or three little affairs in which the soldiers were engaged by a coronet and a pension."

People, therefore, were filled with wonder when they heard how Ethan Allen had surprised and taken it on the 9th of May, 1775, with only a handful of men; how Seth Warner had also taken Crown Point; and how Skenesborough and Fort George, being thus cut off from Canada, had also fallen into our hands without firing a shot.