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But though the bullets cut deeply into the flesh, and the blood spouted freely, the big brute troubled nothing about that. As far as reaching any vital part went, the revolver might have been a pop-gun, and the wild elephant gave himself up entirely to the struggle with his tame brother. In a few minutes it was seen that he was carrying the day.

Well, when you yelled 'Don't fire! I held off, but when I saw you go out I decided that all orders of that kind were canceled. "I blazed away; and, Nick, I put five bullets through that figure just as sure as you're an inch high." "What happened then?" "The light went out. I got to your side, and flashed your lantern in half a second. "The figure had vanished.

The bullets flew about us thick as hail; one passing through my hat, another shredding away half the bullion from the skipper's starboard epaulette, two more actually passing through my jacket and razing the skin; yet by a miracle we escaped unwounded.

The other carrier, too, was shooting planes into the air like bullets from a gun. The American Mediterranean fleet was putting out to sea at emergency-speed, getting every flying craft aloft that could be gotten away. A cruiser swung a peculiar crane-like arm, there was a puff of smoke and a plane came into being. The crane retracted. Another plane. A third.

Foreign bodies, such as bullets, etc., in the brain may be discovered when our processes have become perfected. It must be remembered, however, that not only are the bones of a baby's skull much less thick than those of an adult's skull, but they are much less densely ossified, and so throw far less of a shadow.

The rider held up the lamb, jabbered a sentence of broncho Spanish at the spot where the man had been, put down his bleating burden, and cantered back to his own side of the river without unnecessary delay. No bullets had yet been fired in the Cullison-Fendrick feud, but a "greaser" was liable to do anything, according to the old puncher's notion.

"How strange he was not shot, when so many fired at him." "Sister?" "Well." "Can you keep a secret?" "I think so, Ruez," said Isabella, half smiling at the question of her brother. "Well, it's not so very wonderful, since I drew the bullets from the guns!"

No, if we met the pirates it was their lives or ours and I recall with incredulity my resolution to imbed five of my six bullets in a pirate before I turned the sixth upon myself. I reflected with satisfaction that five bullets should be a fatal dose to any pirate unless an exceptionally tough one. And I hoped he would not be tough

But nearly 30,000 shells fell into a town covering about the same area as Cowes; in many streets not a man dared show himself save under the cloud of a dark night, for they were swept by rifle bullets; hardly one of the many forts on the circumference of defence held weapons half so formidable as the stout hearts that served them. Thirty thousand shells!

But it was to a finish and blamed if at first it didn't scare me. I thought it might be Henry. Hang it, get down and see for yourselves, boys." Elpaso answered his invitation with an inquiry. "Who was this fellow fighting with?" "That, also, is a question. Certainly not with Henry de Spain, because the other fellow, I think, was using soft-nosed bullets.