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"If should go you must know," he went on, and Philip bent low to hear his words above the roar of voices and the crashing of the battering-ram. "You must know to take my place in the fight for Josephine. I think you have guessed it. The baby was not Josephine's. "Yes, yes, Jean!" cried Philip into the fading eyes. "That was what I guessed!" "Don't blame her too much," struggled Jean.

From the empty cow-stall they took a beam to serve as a battering-ram, and hurled it against the door with all their might.

He raced to the cart, and, when his object was perceived, willing hands assisted in converting the heavy vehicle into a battering-ram. The gradient of the hill favored the attack, which was made at an acute angle, and the first assault smashed the lock.

"I feel as if I had been having an argument with a battering-ram and had come off second-best. I've been out of my head, haven't I?" "A little, yes; but that was to be expected. You were pretty badly hurt." "Have I been talking?" "Not very much nothing intelligible." The little lady had drawn her chair to the window and was busying herself with the never-finished embroidery.

The aries, or battering-ram, consisted of a large beam made of the trunk of a tree, frequently one hundred feet in length, to one end of which was fastened a mace of iron or bronze, which resembled in form the head of a ram, and was often suspended by ropes from a beam fixed transversely over it, so that the soldiers were relieved from supporting its weight, and were able to give it a rapid and forcible motion backward and forward.

But the wonderful prayer smote no heart with compunction, and, after it, the storm of mocking and savage triumph hurtled on as before. Luke gathers all the details together in summary fashion, and piles them on one another without enlarging on any. The effect produced is like that of a succession of breakers beating on some lonely rock, or of blows struck by a battering-ram on a fortress.

An attempt was made to bring the battering-ram into play; but so many of the people working it were shot, that it was allowed to drop close to the wall.

The social class to which she belonged, not being able, during its unhoped-for triumph in the fifteen years of the Restoration to reconstruct itself, was about to go to pieces, bit by bit, under the battering-ram of the bourgeoisie. She heard the famous words of Monsieur Laine: 'Kings are departing! This conviction, I believe was not without its influence on her conduct.

The intention was not so much to pile up the mounds till they were on a level with the top of the walls as to work the battering-ram with greater advantage from them. A similar use was made of mounds by the Peloponnesian Greeks, who nearly succeeded in taking Plataea in this way.

Her delight was open and extravagant; her welcome was as enthusiastic as a horse could make it. Gone were her coquetry and her airs; she nosed and nibbled Dave; she rubbed and rooted him with the violence of a battering-ram, and permitted him to hug her and murmur words of love into her velvet ears.