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The fine fresco by Mainardi, in the Baroncelli Chapel, is an instance; and I must cite one yet finer, that by Ghirlandajo in the choir of S. Maria-Novella: in this last-mentioned example, the Virgin stands erect in star-bespangled drapery and closely veiled. We now proceed to other examples of the treatment of the Assumption. Taddeo Bartoli, 1413.

In the midst of the armed dissensions between the Barons, which followed the expulsion of Rienzi, Baroncelli contrived to make himself Master of the Capitol, and of what was considered an auxiliary of no common importance viz. the Great Bell, by whose alarum Rienzi had so often summoned to arms the Roman people.

A third party, headed by Baroncelli a demagogue whose ambition was without principle but who, by pandering to the worst passions of the populace, by a sturdy coarseness of nature with which they sympathised and by that affectation of advancing what we now term the "movement," which often gives to the fiercest fool an advantage over the most prudent statesman, had quietly acquired a great influence with the lower ranks offered a more bold opposition.

"Much good will a dead daub do us," said Baroncelli, sourly, and turning to his neighbours; but no man listened to him, and he, a would-be demagogue, gnawed his lip in envy.

"My masters," said Cecco, "the folly was in not beheading the Barons when he had them all in the net; and so Messere Baroncelli says. Why, but for that, we should never have lost so many tall fellows by the gate of San Lorenzo." "True, true, it was a shame; some say the Barons bought him."

Still more would I speak of two small frescoes in the Baroncelli Chapel at Santa Croce, which are as admirable in poetical conception as they are unfortunately poor in artistic execution. One of them represents the Annunciation to the Shepherds: they are lying in a grey, hilly country, wrapped in grey mists, their flock below asleep, but the dog vigilant, sniffing the supernatural.

"You had better put more quicksilver in you," continued Baroncelli, "or you will be too late. And what a pity that will be! If you believe the Tribune, he is the only man that can save Rome. What, you, the finest people in the world you, not able to save yourselves! you, bound up with one man you, not able to dictate to the Colonna and Orsini! Why, who beat the Barons at San Lorenzo?

His programme was to overthrow the tyrants as the enemies both of the people and of the popes, and to restore municipal self-government under papal protection. His attention was first directed to the city of Rome, which, after many vicissitudes since 1347, had fallen under the influence of a demagogue named Baroncelli.

Thomas," is one of the compartments of the Life of the Virgin, painted by Taddeo Gaddi, in the Baroncelli Chapel at Florence, and this is the only instance I can refer to.

On comparing these frescoes with those in the neighbouring chapel of the Baroncelli, the difference in feeling will be immediately felt; but they are very naïve and elegant. About a hundred years later than these two examples we have the celebrated series painted by Ghirlandajo, in the choir of S. Maria Novella at Florence. There are three walls. Dominic and St.