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But there can be no question as to the propriety of the music and architecture awards, and I think that the aviation award would be quite appropriate also.

This result has been attained in a considerable degree by the care exercised by the appropriate Departments in entering into public contracts.

He is right, pre-eminently right, in all this, as he was pre-eminently happy in his power of clothing his thoughts and feelings in appropriate forms of speech.

What is simplicity for another may not be for you, for your condition, your tastes, especially for your wants. It is a personal question. You go beyond simplicity when you attempt to appropriate more than your wants, your aspirations, whatever they are, demand that is, to appropriate for show, for ostentation, more than your life can assimilate, can make thoroughly yours.

In old times, I recollect, the fashion was for the men to press aft in a disorganised crowd; but of late years the following more appropriate and orderly arrangement has been universally adopted. The men are distributed in a close double row round the quarter-deck gangways and forecastle, each standing in his place according to the order of his name on the Open List.

"To me," he said, "columns of figures are merely so many clouds." I answered, "That may be; but they are clouds which, when taken together, make not clouds, but lightning." Anyhow, by the outbreak of war these schemes were suspended, and changed conditions may now make methods other than those which seemed then appropriate necessary.

The crown wore on top of her noble forehead wuz dretful appropriate to show what wuz inside of a woman's head; for it wuz made of electric lights flashin' lights, and strange, wrought of that mysterious substance that we don't understand yet. But we know that it is luminous, fur-reachin' in its rays, and possesses almost divine intelligence.

When the first Grand Army post was formed in St. Paul a name commemorative of one of Minnesota's fallen heroes was desired for the organization. Out of the long list of martyrs Minnesota gave to the cause of the Union no name seemed more appropriate than that of the heroic Capt.

It proved to be a very appropriate piece, especially after I explained what tune it was, as there were some soldiers on board the cars who were returning home from the war. They were profuse in their compliments, and said I was a devilish good fiddler, and would probably some day make my mark at it.

Feist, 'may be. I doubt it. Dinner was announced. 'Will you keep house for me? asked the Ambassador of Lady Maud. 'There's something rather appropriate about your playing Ambassadress here, observed Logotheti. Margaret heard but did not understand that her new acquaintance was a Russian subject. Mustapha Pasha held out his arm to take her in to dinner.