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Centrals At birth 2 6 At birth 1 8 At birth, 12 or 3-4 weeks First 4-6 wks. 3 6 At birth 2 9 8-12 wks. 18 laterals Second 5-12 days 3 6 laterals Corners 6-9 mos. 4 6 12-18 days 4 6 At birth 9 Molars: First At birth 2 6 At birth 2 6 7 weeks 5 Second At birth 2 6 At birth 1 6 8-28 days 14 Third At birth 3 6 At birth 3 8-28 days 13 Fourth 10-12 1 6 13 Fifth 2 2 5 Sixth 4-5 2 6 9 Seventh 18 Canines or 4-5 9 tusks

The sign reads, “Saturdays 8-12.” When Saturday came around Ida hollered down the room, “Everybody's gotta work to-day till five.” The howl that went up! I supposedgottameantgotta.” But Lena came up to me. “You gonna work till five? Don't you do it. We had to strike to get a Saturday half holiday. Now they're tellin' us we gotta work till fivepay us for it, o' course.

He writes something on a little card and I go upstairs with it. Married or single? Goodness! hadn't thought of that. In the end a lie there would make less conversation. Single. NationalityEyetalian? No, American. It all has to be written on a card. At that point my eye lights on a sign which reads: “Hours for girls 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Saturdays 8-12.” Whew! My number is 1075. The time clock works so.

III. From the variety of languages among the disciples at Jerusalem, it is evident there were more congregations than one in that one church: the diversity of languages among them is plainly mentioned in divers places, "And there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men out of every nation under heaven. Now every man heard them speak in his own language," &c., Acts ii. 5, 8-12.

1 Peter iii. 8-12. "Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.

It is rational to think, that by such cogitations as these the unbelieving world will be torn in pieces before the judgment of Christ; especially those that have lived where they did or might have heard the gospel of the grace of God. Oh! that saying, "It shall be more tolerable for Sodom at the judgment than for them," will be better understood. See Luke x. 8-12.

BIBLIOGRAPHIES. W. E. Foster, References to Presidential Administrations, 8-12; Justin Winsor, Narrative and Critical History, VII. 310, 315-320, 336-341, 418-420, 519-522, 527-547; H. B. Tompkins, Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana; Channing and Hart, Guide, secs. 167-171.

This is improbable. It sounds more like a direct personification of the night, for which an epithet as 'veiled bride' seems appropriate. The name may have arisen in consequence of mythological conceptions affecting the relationship between day and night. A magic potion compounded of this plant. 'Maklu' series, i. ll. 8-12. 'Maklu' series, ii. ll. 148-168. See p. 137.

From Acts vi., where we are informed of the original and design of their office; and from 1 Tim. iii. 8-12, where the inspired apostle describes their necessary qualifications. Quest. What are the duties of deacons? Ans. To look into the state and to serve the tables of the poor, by distributing the funds of the church, according to the respective necessities of the saints, 1 Tim. iii. 12. Quest.

Soc. Bibl. Arch. vi. 279. Jensen, Kosmologie, p. 127, proposes to read Umun-pauddu. Hilprecht, Old Babylonian Inscriptions, i. 2, no. 93. The name also appears in syllabaries as Shul-pa-ud-du-a. For the element pa-udda, see p. 103. Jensen, Kosmologie, pp. 125, 126. See Journal Asiatique, September-October, 1895, p. 393. De Sarzec, pl. 8, col. v. ll. 8-12. IR. pl. 2, no. 4.