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This progress may be taken as in some sense an index to that of the West as a whole, far more so than the apparently spasmodic increase in some of California's smaller centres. Los Angeles mounted from a population of 5,728 in 1870, and of 11,183 in 1880, to one of 50,395 in 1890. Oakland had but 10,500 in 1870. Ten years later the figure was 34,555; and in 1890 it was 48,682.

"Stockton's Method of Working," Current Literature, 32:495. "Criticism," Atheneum, 1:532. "Estimate," Harper's Weekly, 46:555. The Beeman of Orn, and Other Fanciful Tales, Frank R. Stockton. The Lady or the Tiger, Frank R. Stockton. Rudder Grange, Frank R. Stockton. A Tale of Negative Gravity, Frank R. Stockton. The Remarkable Wreck of the Thomas Hyde, Frank R. Stockton.

By 555, when Bavaria had become tributary to the Frankish rulers, their dominions extended from the Bay of Biscay to a point east of Salzburg. Considerable districts that the Romans had never succeeded in conquering had been brought into the developing civilization of western Europe.

The report of the Secretary of the Navy shows continued improvement in that branch of the service during the last fiscal year. Extensive repairs have been made upon vessels, and two new ships have been completed and made ready for sea. The total expenditures of the year ended June 30, 1879, including specific appropriations not estimated for by the Department, were $13,555,710.09.

He was re-elected to the Thirty-Second, Thirty-Sixth, Thirty-Seventh, Thirty-Eighth, Thirty-Ninth, and Fortieth Congresses. 18, 24, 29, 34, 48, 156, 308, 325, 333, 336, 357, 366, 417, 418, 435, 436, 449, 463, 478, 502, 503, 504, 513, 514, 518, 524, 528, 535, 536, 547, 555, 557, 563, 575.

According to Vitruvius, Pisistratus, who flourished about B. C. 555, employed the four Grecian architects, Antistates, Antimachides, Calleschros, and Porinus, to erect this famous temple in the place of one built in the time of Deucalion, which the storms of a thousand years had destroyed.

In 1815, the revenue of Lower Canada amounted to £150,273 currency, the expenditure to £125,218 sterling, in which was included £16,555 for the erection of the gaol in Quebec; £26,439 for militia services; and £35,325, the proportion of duties to Upper Canada.

By this computation the stock is increased above the charge in five years 89,379 pounds 15s. 6d.; and yet here are sundry articles to be considered on both sides of the account that will necessarily increase the stock and diminish the charge: First, in the five years' time 6,200 having claimed charity, the number being abated for in the reckoning above for stock, it may be allowed new subscriptions will be taken in to keep the number full, which in five years amounts to 3,400 0 0 Their sixpences is 115 0 0 =============== 3,555 0 0 Which added to 115,889 pounds 15s. 6d. augments be stock to 119,444 15 6 Six thousand two hundred persons claiming help, which falls, to be sure, on the aged and infirm, I think, at a modest computation, in five years' time 500 of them may be dead, which, without allowing annually, we take at an abatement of 4,000 pounds out of the charge 4,000 0 0 Which reduces the charge to 23,500 0 0

This Preliminary Parliament was really another Duma that is, it was a very limited parliamentary body. Its life was short and quite uneventful. It assembled for the first time on October 8th and was dispersed by the Bolsheviki on November 7th. When it assembled there were 555 members the number fixed by the decree of the Provisional Government.

Riley, L.R. 6 E. 551 . Johnson Harvester Co. v. Meinhardt, 60 How. Pr. 171. Chicago, Burlington, etc., R.R. Co. v. Union Pacific R.R. Co., U.S. Dist. Ct., D. Neb. . In re Debs, 158 U.S. 564 . 107 Mass. 555 . 5 Pa. Co. Ct. 163 . Barr v. Trades' Council, 53 N.J.E. 101 . Coeur d'Alène Mining Co. v. Miners' Union, 51 Fed. 260 . Toledo, etc. Co. v. Penn. Co., 54 Fed. 730 .