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The chief Ulema are the Kabir Khalil, the Kabir Yunis, and the Shaykh Jami: the two former scarcely ever quit their houses, devoting all their time to study and tuition: the latter is a Somali who takes an active part in politics. These professors teach Moslem literature through the medium of Harari, a peculiar dialect confined within the walls.

This personage appeared in the form of a little black man aged about forty, deeply pitted by small-pox, with a protruding brow, a tufty beard and rather delicate features: his hands and feet were remarkably small. Married to a descendant of the Sherif Yunis, he had acquired great reputation as an Alim or Savan, a peace-policy-man, and an ardent Moslem.

Yunis and Ahmed were brothers, children of Nuh, the ninth in descent from Ishak el Hazrami. The former had four sons, Hosh Yunis, Gedid Yunis, Mahmud Yunis, and Shirdon Yunis; their descendants are all known as the Ayyal or progeny of Yunis. The Ayyal Ahmed Nuh hold the land immediately behind the town, and towards the Ghauts, blend with the Eesa Musa.

Amongst the dead Emirs identified were Osman Azrak, leader of the cavalry, Wad el Melik, Ali Wad Helu, Yunis, Ibrahim Khalil, Mahmoud's brother, el Fadl, Osman Dekem, Zaki Ferar, Abu Senab, Mousa Zacharia, and Abd el Baki. The Khalifa had come into action riding a horse.

Mysterious, silent figures loomed up on either side to watch us pass. Another mile and we turned through a gap and received orders to bivouac in a real field, and heard that we were at Khan Yunis "John's Inn." The spell of home was soon broken for those who were detailed to unload the camels. The drivers were tired and had "barracked" their charges in a careless mass instead of in proper lines.

Yunis Khán is proceeding to Germany to visit the Bahá’í centres and I trust he will be enabled to promote true understanding and sustained cooperation in.... He is most trustworthy and capable. I will continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart. Rest assured and never feel disheartened. Your true brother, Shoghi 5 November 1945

Some clans, the Habr Yunis for instance, refuse maidens of the same or even of a consanguineous family. This is probably a political device to preserve nationality and provide against a common enemy.

Our track might easily have been followed by some enterprising son of Yunis Jibril; these tracts of thorny bush are favourite places for cattle lifting; moreover the fire was kept blazing all night, yet our mules were not stolen. We shook off our slumbers before dawn on the 27th.

Mahomed Yunis, the Governor, was a man of severe ideas, and while pretending not to see the Highlander, who stood behind us during the interview, he was reported to say after our departure that his costume appeared to be incomplete.

The Ayyal Yunis, the principal clan, contains four septs viz.: Jibril Yunis. 3. Ali Yunis. 2. Nur Yunis. 4. Adan Yunis. The other chief clans are Mikahil Dera. 7. Basannah. 2. Rer Ugaz. 8. Bahabr Hasan. 3. Jibrain. 9. Abdillah Mikahil. 4. Rer Mohammed Asa. 10. Hasan Mikahil. 5. Musa Fin. 11. Eyah Mikahil 6. Rer Abokr. 12. Hasan Waraba.