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First Citizen Yaggo, People's Manager-in-Chief of and for the Planetary Commonwealth of Aditya, wore a one-piece white garment like a mechanic's coveralls, with the emblem of his government and the numeral 1 on his breast. He carried no dagger; if he had worn a dress weapon, it would probably have been a slide rule. His head was completely shaven, and he had small, pale eyes and a rat-trap mouth.

By this time, the Bench of Counselors and the three off-planet guests had become anxious and left the luncheon pavilion in a body. The Counselors were looking about uneasily, noticing the black uniformed Security Guards who had left the troop carrier and were taking position by squads all around the emperor. First Citizen Yaggo, and King Ranulf and Lord Koreff, also seemed uneasy.

"And if I know Khane and if I know the People's Commonwealth of Aditya, it won't be a year before Yaggo has Khane shot or stuffs him into jail, and then the Space Navy will have an excuse to visit Aditya, and Aditya'll never be the same afterward," Prince Travann added. The students massed on the front lawns were still cheering as they went down after addressing them.

Immediately after the presentation of Lord Koreff, they all started the two hundred yards march to the luncheon pavilion, the King of Durendal clinging to his left arm and First Citizen Yaggo stumping dourly on his right, with Prince Ganzay beyond him and Lord Koreff on Ranulf's left. "Do you plan to stay long on Odin?" he asked the king. "Oh. I'd love to stay for simply months!

He'd do no harm there, and a touch of outright lunacy might enliven and even improve the Bench. And in the evening, a banquet, and a reception and ball, in honor of His Majesty Ranulf XIV, Planetary King of Durendal, and First Citizen Zhorzh Yaggo, People's Manager-in-Chief of and for the Planetary Commonwealth of Aditya. Bargain day; two planetary chiefs of state in one big combination deal.

It was Viktor Ganzay again. He looked as though his permanent toothache had deserted him for the moment. "Sorry to bother Your Majesty, but it's all fixed up," he reported. "First Citizen Yaggo agreed to alternate in precedence with King Ranulf, and Lord Koreff has withdrawn all his objections. As far as I can see, at present, there should be no trouble." "Fine.

It was First Citizen Yaggo's turn to take precedence the seat on the right of the throne chair. Lord Koreff sat on Ranulf's left, and, to balance him, Prince Ganzay sat beyond Yaggo and dutifully began inquiring of the People's Manager-in-Chief about the structure of his government, launching him on a monologue that promised to last at least half the luncheon.

The Prime Minister called back to confirm that First Citizen Yaggo and King Ranulf would be at the luncheon. The Chamberlain, Count Gadvan, called with a long and dreary problem about the protocol for the banquet.

On Aditya, everything gets reformed every ten years, whether it needs it or not. He came here to find somebody to take charge of the reformation." He stopped short, bringing the others to a halt beside him, and laughed heartily. "Well, we'll send First Citizen Yaggo away happy; we'll make him a present of the most distinguished educator on Odin." "Khane?" Tammsan asked. "Khane.

Some of the toothache expression had gone out of his face, now that he had been relieved of the decision. "Of course, Your Majesty." He brightened a little. "Do you think we might compromise? Alternate the precedence, I mean?" "Only if this First Citizen Yaggo consents. If he does, it would be a good idea." "I'll talk to him, sir." The toothache expression came back. "Another thing, Your Majesty.