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Updated: August 12, 2024

My lady Prioresse, by your leve If that I wiste I sholde yow nat greve, I wolde demen that ye tellen sholde A tale next, if so were that ye wolde. Now wol ye vouche-sauf, my lady dere? He talks to no one else like that, save perhaps to the knight. Was she religious?

You cannot deny me this, Judge," says Anna, with an arch smile, and pausing for a reply. "Wol, as to that," responds this high functionary, "if I'd power, 'twouldn't be long afore I'd dew it, though his mother'd turn the town upside down; but I hain't no power in the premises. I make it a rule, on and off the bench, never to refuse the request of a pretty woman. Chivalry, you know."

You cannot deny me this, Judge," says Anna, with an arch smile, and pausing for a reply. "Wol, as to that," responds this high functionary, "if I'd power, 'twouldn't be long afore I'd dew it, though his mother'd turn the town upside down; but I hain't no power in the premises. I make it a rule, on and off the bench, never to refuse the request of a pretty woman. Chivalry, you know."

Anothir time imaginin he would That every wight, that past him by the wey, Had of him routhe, and that thei saien should, I am right sory, Troilus wol dey!

'Telle me the rootè, good sire, quod he tho, Of that water, if it be yourè wille. 'Nay, nay, quod Plato, 'certein that I nylle; The philosophres sworn were everychoon That they sholden discovers it unto noon, Ne in no book it write in no manere, For unto Crist it is so lief and deere, That he wol nat that it discovered bee, But where it liketh to his deitee Man for tenspire, and eek for to deffende Whom that hym liketh; lo, this is the ende.

"This passeth yeer by yeer, and day by day, Till it fel oones in a morwe of May That Emelie, that farier was to seene Than is the lilie on his stalke grene, And fressher than the May with floures newe For with the rose colour strof hire hewe, I not which was the fairer of hem two Er it were day, as was hir wone to do, She was arisen and al redy dight. For May wol have no sloggardy anight.

And, Modyr, I beseche you that ye wol be good mastras to my lytyll man & to se that he go to scole. Wreten at Bruggys the Friday next after Seynt Thomas. "Your sone & humbyll servaunt, The formal apology was made later. Lievin. "My brother, I beseech you in the name of our affection and of our alliance, come to my aid, come as speedily as you can, come without delay.

Their general blot is drunkenness, the which they carry even to mislike and contempt of sober men. They say commonly, 'Kanstu niecht sauffen und fressen so kanstu kienem hern wol dienen. In England, the vulgar sort drink as deep, but the worshipful hold excess in this a reproach, and drink a health or two for courtesy, not gluttony, and still sugar the wine.

Therefore his blood began to boil, and a desire for vengeance overflowed his soul. The fellow who first attacks will not fare well, thought Hlawa, as he looked at the old knight. Meanwhile the wind carried the sound of the phrase which the singers repeated: "Tandaradei! Tandaradei!" The Bohemian at once recognized the song known to him: "Bi den rosen er wol mac Tandaradei!

Appropriated, lastly, and refashioned by the hand of an original genius, the pastourelle gave to German poetry the crowning jewel of its Minnesang in Walther's 'Under der linden, with its irrepressibly roguish refrain: Kuster mich? wol tûsentstunt: tandaradei, seht wie rôt mir ist der munt!

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