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My dear friend, I would not advise the wisest man and the most courageous upon earth to risk such dangers, confident in his strength. Even a victory may cost him too dear. I found Olivia reclining on a sofa, her beautiful tresses unbound, her dress the perfection of elegant negligence.

Pray do not call what I consider the wisest action of my life by such a name. Consider, by becoming a gardener I effectually screen our meetings from all suspicion or danger." "I beseech of you, Maximilian, to cease trifling, and tell me what you really mean."

After some reflection, Mr Vanslyperken thought that as nothing could be gained by making the fact known, the wisest thing that he could do was to go to bed and say nothing about it, leaving the whole of the ulterior proceedings until the loss of the boat should be reported to him in the morning.

His endurance had been over-taxed, and he was at last in that temper and frame of mind in which the wisest men are liable to make grave mistakes.

I doubt whether the wisest of us know what our own motives are, and whether some of the actions of which we are the very proudest will not surprise us when we trace them, as we shall one day, to their source. Warrington then did not know, and Pen had not thought proper to confide to his friend, his pecuniary history.

To an impartial estimate it will seem clear that many of the wisest, most virtuous, and most beneficent parts that are to be played upon the Theatre of Life are filled by gratuitous performers, and pass, among the world at large, as phases of idleness.

"It is a labour saved me fortunately, by the recorded experience of all history, by the testimony of the wisest and the best in all, countries, ancient and modern all agree in proclaiming love of our country to be one of the most powerful, most permanent motives to good and great actions; the most expansive, elevating principle elevating without danger expansive without waste; the principle to which the legislator looks for the preservative against corruption in states to which the moralist turns for the antidote against selfishness in individuals.

And as for the testimony of the experts we all know how easily the wisest of them can be mistaken even in matters of as serious import as these.

Food is there also, cheap and good, and what will make thy life the more happy is, that thou shalt live beside honest neighbors, in respect and comfort." Now the Christian puzzled, but he thought, "If what Mr. Worldly Wiseman says is true, my wisest plan is to take his advice." "Sir," said Christian, "which is my way to this honest man's house?" "Do you see yonder high hill?" "Yes, very well."

And who will say that the tenure of 'ownership' may not be the wisest and most benevolent arrangement for all concerned?