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Updated: July 31, 2024

"'Nay, then, quoth the merchant, 'thou art not for me. 'Nor, quoth the inn-holder, 'my wiffe shalt thou be. 'I lothe, said the gentle, 'a beggar's degree; And therefore adewe, my pretty Bessee."

Enter Wife & Daughter. Serv. Is broken in now upon us. Wife. He will not be denyde. O, my deare Husband! The cruell Princes Captaine! Cap. Ope the dore; Wee'll force it els, and all that dare resist us Wee'll put to th'Sword. Bar. Open the dore: farewell, Wiffe; Goe to the French Embassadour presently; There's all my hope.

In blotted, sloping roundhand was written: "My Dear Harry, "Good-bye, I do fele so very ill, I can't do any more. Don't forget I allwaies was your wiffe. "I am your affex., D. A." We looked at each other in wonder and dismay, sure that the child must be very ill, and indignant that we had not been told.

I have a wiffe, my lords, and wretched children, Unles it please his Grace to looke upon 'em And your good honours with your eies of favour. 'Twill be a litle happines in my death That they partake not with their fathers ruyns. 1 Lord. Let not that troble ye: they shall not find it. Bar.

A Bribe to Barnavelts wiffe, or a kind wench For my yong lord his Son, when he has drunck hard. There's no way els to doo't. 1 Cap. I have gold good store You shall not want that; and if I had thought on't When I left London, I had fitted you For a convenient Pagan. 2 Cap. Why, is there Such store they can be spard? 1 Cap. ... ... ... 2 Cap. I thanck you, Sir.

This was his account of it on oath thirty years after: "John Tash aged about sixty four or thareabouts saith he being at Master Laueridges at Newtown on Long Island aboutt thirty year since Goodman Owen and Goody Owin desired me to goe with Thomas Stapels wiffe of Fairfield to Jemeaco on Long Island to the hous of George Woolsy and as we war going along we cam to a durty slow and thar the hors blundred in the slow and I mistrusted that she the said Goody Stapels was off the hors and I was troubiled in my mind very much soe as I cam back I thought I would tak better noatis how it was and when I cam to the slow abovesaid I put on the hors prity sharp and then I put my hand behind me and felt for her and she was not upon the hors and as soon as we war out of the slow she was on the hors behind me boath going and coming and when I cam home I told thes words to Master Leveredg that she was a light woman as I judged and I am redy to give oath to this when leagaly caled tharunto as witnes my hand.

Why weep ye, My deere Sir? speak. Bar. Never till now unhappie! Thy fruit there and my fall ripen togeather And fortune gives me heires of my disgraces. Wife. Take nobler thoughts. Bar. What will becom of thee, Wiffe, When I am gon? When they have gorgd their envies With what I have, what honest hand in pitty Will powre out to thy wants?

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