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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Clever way of putting things, Tell has got." "'Yet words, I said, 'might lead us on to deeds." "Neat," said Jost Weiler "very neat. Yes?" "To which Tell's extraordinary reply was: 'The only thing to do is to sit still. "'What! I said; 'bear in silence things unbearable? "'Yes, said Tell; 'to peaceable men peace is gladly granted.

Make me acquainted with them, that we may Speak frankly, man to man, and heart to heart. MEYER. In the three Cantons, who, sir, knows not you? Meyer of Sarnen is my name; and this Is Struth of Winkelried, my sister's son. STAUFFACHER. No unknown name. A Winkelried it was Who slew the dragoon in the fen at Weiler, And lost his life in the encounter, too.

It now informed her that it was the ghost of a nobleman named Weiler, who had slain his brother and for that crime was condemned to wander ceaselessly until it recovered a certain piece of paper hidden in a vault under the cathedral. On hearing this, she solemnly assured it that by prayer alone could its sins be forgiven and pardon obtained, and thereupon she set herself to teach it to pray.

FURST. Continue, then, to pay your feudal service. WEILER. I'm tenant of the lords of Rappersweil. FURST. Continue, then, to pay them rent and tithe. ROSSELMANN. Of Zurich's lady, I'm the humble vassal. FURST. Give to the cloister what the cloister claims. STAUFFACHER. The empire only is my feudal lord. FURST. What needs must be, we'll do, but nothing further.

It was like this: We went to the house and knocked at the door. Tell opened it. 'Good-morning, I said. "'Good-morning, said he. 'Take a seat. "I took a seat. "'My heart is full, I said, 'and longs to speak with you. I thought that a neat way of putting it." The company murmured approval. "'A heavy heart, said Tell, 'will not grow light with words." "Not bad that!" murmured Jost Weiler.

The individual who acted as master of ceremonies gazed expectantly towards the bunk house where a heavily built man with sandy hair and whiskers had put in an appearance and was waving his hand. "There's Red and Weiler!" "Keep quiet!" commanded Phil. Corduroys had mounted the stump and was addressing the boisterous crowd.

At last three more fellows had come in on a train. Weiler met them at the station and the whole party took the train west that night, with McCorquodale trailing along. Their destination was Indian Creek and on arrival they unloaded from the express-car a Peterborough canoe, a tent and a lot of supplies. As soon as the train pulled out they got ready for a trip into the woods.

The Chief had been greatly interested and after congratulating McCorquodale on his discretion had despatched him back to the hotel with instructions to shadow Weiler no matter where the trail led.

Then a stranger had put in an appearance and took to watching the Waring cottage no less a person than this man Weiler who already had aroused McCorquodale's suspicion when the detective had worked as a Brady Agency operative. The German, however, contented himself with reconnoitring the vicinity between trains and asking a few casual questions about the Waring household over at the station.

Weiler, who had a sanatorium in the West of Berlin, received patients from Ruhleben. Those who were able paid for themselves, the poorer ones being paid for by the British Government. This sanatorium, occupied several villas. I had many disputes with Dr. Weiler, but finally managed to get this sanatorium in such condition that the prisoners who resided there were fairly well taken care of.

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