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Updated: August 1, 2024

His famous declaration of independence of them that he would rather give them a sugar-plum than his time was essentially a cynicism in the exhausted-Don-Juan mood. Hence, Keats was almost doomed to fall in love with provocation rather than with what the Victorians called "soul." His destiny was not to be a happy lover, but the slave of a "minx." It was not a slavery without dignity, however.

There now remained the gathering of wits fixed for the evening. His publisher had asked him to dinner, but he had declined, from a secret and absurd desire to dine at "The Cock." This he gratified, and with his mind full of the spacious times of the early Victorians, he turned into the publisher's little room about nine o'clock to meet some of the later. There was no great muster as yet.

Life must have been tiring in those days, tossed, as everyone was, if we believe the art of the time, from one wave of sentiment to another. Men went "into the city" to get a little rest, and there framed this code: that there should be no sentiment in business. So the Victorians put their sentiment into art, into stories and illustrations.

The attraction of Germany is not only paramount in literature, in Walter Scott and Mill and Matthew Arnold; the superiority of German blood and constitution was an article of faith of the Victorians. The sins of Prussia were forgiven with amazing alacrity. The base attacks on Austria and Denmark evoked no moral indignation.

Do you suppose you can ever turn me into a bread-and-butter miss? I have looked after myself for years you don't understand!" She faced him indignantly. Winnington laughed. "All right so long as the Early Victorians may have their say. And my say about Mr.

The loss of Colonel Murray, their commander, of the adjutant of the same name, and of forty-two out of eighty of the Scouts, shows how fell was the attack, which broke as sudden and as strong as a South African thunderstorm upon the unconscious camp. The Boers appear to have eluded the outposts and crept right among the sleeping troops, as they did in the case of the Victorians at Wilmansrust.

To group itself about a single figure, the sort of thing that Victorians would have called an ideal?" "Not a bit of it," said Sir Richmond with conviction. "There was always a tremendous lot of variety in my mind. In fact the thing I liked least in the real world was the way it was obsessed by the idea of pairing off with one particular set and final person.

And this fact enables us to throw into clearer light the exact nature of du Maurier's work. If we seek for evidence in the old volumes of Punch for the distinction of the early Victorians we shall not find it. We shall merely conceive instead a dislike for the type of gentleman of the time. Leech and his contemporaries did nothing more for their age than to make it look ridiculous for ever.

You may talk of Bouguereau if you will: there is a cheerful disgustingness in the sound which excites laughter; but let us not sully our chaste lips with the names of J. Ruskin, G. F. Watts, or E. B. Jones." "Who was Ruskin anyway?" asked Flanagan. "He was one of the Great Victorians. He was a master of English style." "Ruskin's style a thing of shreds and purple patches," said Lawson.

No doubt, solitude magnifies the poet's sense of his own personality. Stephen Phillips says of Emily Brontë's poetic gift, and there are several poets of whom a similar statement might be made. But the Victorians were aware that only half of a poet's nature was developed thus.

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