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They are exclusively American, but they flourish over all the enormous space between Mexico and the Argentine Republic. The genus is not a favourite of my own, for somewhat of the same reason which qualifies my regard for O. vexillarium. Cattleyas are so obtrusively beautiful, they have such great flowers, which they thrust upon the eye with such assurance of admiration!

There was a burst of applause after Rorie's speech that made all the orchids shiver, and nearly annihilated a thirty-guinea Odontoglossum Vexillarium. His talk about the Forest, irrelevant as it might be, went home to the hearts of the neighbouring landowners. But, by-and-by, in the drawing-room, when he rejoined his cousin, he found that fastidious young lady by no means complimentary.

But this is a beauty of general effect, which must not be analyzed, as I think. Odontoglossum vexillarium is brought from Colombia. There are two forms: the one small, evenly red, flowering in autumn was discovered by Frank Klaboch, nephew to the famous Roezl, on the Dagua River, in Antioquia.

There are, however, some warm Odontoglossums, notable among them O. vexillarium, which botanists class with the Miltonias. This species is very fashionable, and I give it the place of honour; but not, in my own view, for its personal merits. The name is so singularly appropriate that one would like to hear the inventor's reasons for transfiguring it.

When we observe O. Roezlii upon the bank of the River Cauca and O. vexillarium on the higher ground, whilst O. vexillarium superbum lives between, we may confidently attribute its peculiarity of a broad dark blotch upon the lip to the influence of O. Roezlii.

The Frontino vexillarium grows "cooler," has a much larger bloom, varies in hue from purest white to deepest red, and flowers in May or June. The most glorious of these things, however, is O. vex. superbum, a plant of the greatest rarity, conspicuous for its blotch of deep purple in the centre of the lip, and its little dot of the same on each wing.

It cannot be due to temperature simply, for, upon the one hand, we receive Sophronitis, a very cool genus, from Brazil, and several of the coolest Cattleyas; upon the other, Odontoglossum Roezlii, a very hot species, and O. vexillarium, most decidedly warm, flourish up to the boundary.

Though a favourite hunting-ground of collectors now for Cattleyas of value come from hence, besides this precious Odontoglot there are still no means of transport, saving Indians and canoes. O. vexillarium would not be thought costly if buyers knew how rare it is, how expensive to get, and how terribly difficult to bring home. Forty thousand pieces were despatched to Mr.

" crispa × " " " Dowiana × " " " Schofieldiana × " gigas imperialis. " Leopoldii × " Dowiana. Cypripedium Stonei × Cypripedium Godefroyæ. " " × " Spicerianum. " Sanderianum × " Veitchii. " Spicerianum × " Sanderianum. " Io × " vexillarium. Dendrobium nobile nobilus × Dendrobium Falconerii. " " × " nobile Cooksonianum. " Wardianum × " aureum. " " × " Linawianum. " luteolum × " nobile nobilius.

Vexillum we know, and vexillarius, but vexillarium goes beyond my Latin. However, it is an intelligible word, and those acquainted with the appearance of "regimental colours" in Old Rome perceive its fitness at a glance. The flat bloom seems to hang suspended from its centre, just as the vexillum figures in bas-relief on the Arch of Antoninus, for example.