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Updated: August 20, 2024

At a little distance from here, is perceived the field where vestals, unfaithful to their vows, were buried alive; a singular instance of fanaticism in a religion naturally tolerant.

She dreams of a Republic of women, vestals or otherwise, wherefrom all men are to be excluded unless they possess qualifications of a rather unusual nature. I think she would like to draft a set of rules and regulations for that community. She could be trusted, I fancy, to make them sufficiently stringent.

"I have noticed, friend Kennedy," said he, "that when I want information over any point you are not always so ready to supply it." "When did you ever ask me anything that I did not tell you? You remember, for example, my giving you the material for your paper about the temple of the Vestals." "Ah, well, that was not a matter of much importance.

And she took a sieve and walked down to the river, right by the end of the Sublician bridge, where the stairs are on the right-hand side. And the five other Vestals, and the flamens, and all the priests, and the Pontifex, and the consuls went with her.

"I suggest," said Lutorius, "the day after to-morrow, the eighteenth day before the Kalends of September, the twenty-third anniversary of Brinnaria's entrance into the order of Vestals, and, I regret to say, the second anniversary of her night expedition to Aricia." "That suits me," said Commodus. "And the hour?" Numisia queried. "Noon," said the Emperor.

The Greeks felt virginity when they carved Artemis, the Romans when they robed the vestals, the worst and wildest of the great Elizabethan playwrights clung to the literal purity of a woman as to the central pillar of the world. For any man who loves children will agree that their peculiar beauty is hurt by a hint of physical sex.

He didn't leave Addington very often, but he did know what a blaze the vestals of the time keep up. "No matter," said he, "so long as you don't." "She drinks brandy," said Esther, "and tells things. I can't repeat what she tells. She's different from anybody I ever met and I don't see how I can make her happy."

Systematically she drove everywhere, once alone with her maid, once with each of the other Vestals, often with her mother, often with Flexinna.

When the tourists were at a safe distance Cecilia rose, bidding Petersen sit still, and she went slowly on towards the House of the Vestals, and up the little inclined wooden bridge which at that time led up to it, till she stood within the court, her hand resting almost on the very spot where it had been when Lamberti had come upon her in the spring morning.

Every one of the Vestals fell in love with her at once, most of all Brinnaria. Besides her good looks Terentia had a charming disposition, a pretty unconsciousness of herself and a winning deferentialness towards her elders. The combination made her irresistible.

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