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"He must have said something amusing to make you laugh." "Yes, and I should like to tell you what it was; but before I do so I must ask you if you know what the venereal disease is?" "Yes, I do; Lady Montagu's footman died of it while I was with her." "Very good, but you should pretend not to know what it is, and imitate other ladies who assume an ignorance which well becomes them.

Forty per cent of existing blindness, and a vast amount of physical degeneracy, is the direct result of venereal causes. Certain forms of glaucoma may be inherited, and children whose parents have had this disease should watch their own eyes very carefully, since, if taken in time, the progress of this disease, in certain forms, may be arrested.

Sexual love and the venereal sense in religions. The hermaphrodite gods. The virgin mother. Mohammed was the first to proclaim a deity above sex. The conversion of sexual and religious emotion exemplified from insane delusions. The element of fascination. The love of God. Other emotional elements in religions. The religious wish defined to be one whose fruition depends upon unknown power.

Now he will tell you how excellent he thinks this: Not even fortune herself is so fortunate. XXXII. Any one who attends the least to the subject will be convinced how unbecoming this joy is. And as they are very shameful who are immoderately delighted with the enjoyment of venereal pleasures, so are they very scandalous who lust vehemently after them.

But in mania this violent exertion of volition is expended on mistaken objects, and would not be relieved, though we were to gain or escape the objects, that excite it. Thus I have seen two instances of madmen, who conceived that they had the itch, and several have believed they had the venereal infection, without in reality having a symptom of either of them.

The Scandinavians have thus been the natural pioneers of the methods of combating venereal diseases which are now becoming generally recognized to be the methods of the future, and they have fully organized the system of putting venereal diseases under the ordinary law and dealing with them as with other contagious diseases.

Whatever her own purity, she cannot be sure that she may not have to guard against the possibility of disease in her future husband as well as in those to whom she may entrust her child. It is a possibility which the educated woman, so far from being dispensed from, is more liable to encounter than is the working-class woman, for venereal disease is less prevalent among the poor than the rich.

She told me something terrible to-day: Alexander, he is the actor, has venereal disease, because he was once an officer in the army; she says that all officers have venereal disease, as a matter of course.

Prostitution seems inseparable from human society in large communities. The fact is acknowledged in the name given it, "the necessary evil." Regulation and medical control only arrest in a degree the spread of venereal diseases to which prostitution gives rise. The elementary laws on which prostitution rests seems to be stronger than the artificial codes imposed by moral teaching.

Sexual self-control is a habit, not a reasoned-out affair, and its foundation must rest on the rock bottom of character and not in the muck of venereal disease.