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His room-mate, White, bought the Philanthropist, and in April 1828, formally installed Garrison into its editorship. Into this new work he carried all his moral earnestness and enthusiasm of purpose. The paper grew under his hand in size, typographical appearance, and in editorial force and capacity.

Besides, I had been irritated no little upon discovering that in printing the programme of events the typesetter was guilty of a typographical error as a result of which my name was set down as Dr. Fiddle. A trifle, it is true, but an annoying one. When I permit myself to be annoyed a slight headache almost invariably ensues. The concert began at the appointed hour.

After these the procession of trades, led by a car, containing a body of printers at work at case and press the latter striking off, and distributing, copies of an ode on the occasion followed by the typographical society, with a banner, with the inscription: "LAFAYETTE the friend of universal liberty, and the rights of the press."

Whatever faults we may have been prepared to find in it, we fully expected that it would be a valuable addition to English literature; that it would contain many curious facts, and many judicious remarks; that the style of the notes would be neat, clear, and precise; and that the typographical execution would be, as in new editions of classical works it ought to be, almost faultless.

We trust that before we take any step in this matter, the authorities will have those 'toughs' properly punished, barring them forever from our educational circles." All the types were italicized, as if they meant to administer typographical chastisement upon us. "What the devil do I care!" I shouted, and up I jumped out of bed. Strange to say, the pain in my joints became tolerable.

We are enclosing a check for $20.00 with the following explanation: Our policy is to reject all work written in dialect. At the best we request the author to rewrite the piece in proper English and frame his effect by other means. But you went too far. I doubt that even a five-year-old would actually make as many typographical errors. However, we found the idea amusing, therefore our payment.

Handerson's death had occurred, but the Council obtained the generous consent of the author's family to make this posthumous publication. It is hoped that those who read will bear this fact in mind and will be lenient in the consideration of typographical errors, of which the author was so fearful.

A different, and a sadder note runs through Miss Lewis's report to the convention in Baltimore in 1871, in describing the difficulties the women labored under. "A year ago last January, Typographical Union No. 6 passed a resolution admitting union girls in offices under the control of No. 6.

He hesitated, then said a trifle apologetically: "You told me, Mr. Forrest, to remind you of the proofs of your Shorthorn book. They wired their second hurry-up yesterday." "I won't be able to tackle it myself," Dick replied. "Will you please correct the typographical, submit the proofs to Mr.

The day of rest and worship to the Christian, is a much stronger type, yet but a shadow of the holy enjoyments of his eternal rest, prefigured from the finishing of the mightier work of redemption. Ed. In Bunyan's original edition it is 'Matt 3, 1, but this must be a typographical error. Ed. 'Out of doors, no more to be found, quite gone, fairly sent away. Locke. 'Out of court. Law-term. Ed.