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"It is out of my line. I am a greater artist than he is, a typographical song without words. I do scareheads, and buffet the devil. Thayer?" "Yes?" "Do you honestly enjoy this sort of thing?" Thayer glanced down at the muddy crossing where they stood waiting for a car to pass. "No. I prefer an occasional street-cleaning episode; but what can you expect in a March thaw?"

Bunyan's Works, were grossly corrupted in the text in all the editions published since 1737, 'poor peace indeed, was changed to 'pure peace indeed'; 'here is Rome enough, meaning popery enough, was altered to 'here is room enough'; 'Baptist, was printed 'Papist, &c., &c.: all the typographical errors have now been carefully corrected by Bunyan's editions. Reply to Kinghorn. 1818, p. xii.

All his ills came to attack him at once: the humidity in the air gave him a pain in the knee, and he could not bend his leg; his carpet-bag, lost the day before in the trip from the station to Fiesole, had not been found, and it was an irreparable disaster; a Paris review had just published one of his poems, with typographical errors as glaring as Aphrodite's shell.

The tempest has been already stated as beginning on the 3d of April, whence we must presume the present date in the text to be a typographical error, perhaps for the twenty-second.

Each of the members of the Federation is composed of workers in a given trade or industry, like the International Typographical Union, the United Mine Workers, and many others. The annual convention is composed of delegates from the constituent societies. The growth of the organization was rapid and continuous.

To Paul the thorn was as disciplinary as the shipwreck. If it is not one thing, it is another. If the stove does not smoke, the boiler must leak. If the pen is good, the ink must be poor. If the editorial column be able, there must be a typographical blunder. If the thorn does not pierce the knee, it must take you in the back. Life must have sharp things in it.

It happened in the following year that Ely Moore of the Typographical Association and the first president of the new union, a powerful orator and a sagacious organizer, was elected to Congress on the Jackson ticket. He was backed by Tammany Hall, always on the alert for winners, and was supported by the mechanics, artisans, and workingmen.

He was the first delegate from St. Paul to the International Typographical Union. Old members of the Sons of Malta will recollect how strenuously he resisted the canine portion of the ceremony when taking the third degree of that noble order. Who has not heard of David Ramaley? He is one of the best as well as one of the best known printers in the Northwest.

Gedge, under whose imposing auspices Reginald was to begin his typographical career, was a diminutive youth who, to all outward appearances, was somewhere about the tender age of fourteen, instead of, as was really the case, being almost as old as Reginald himself.

Later she became a typesetter and was one of the first women in America to become a member of the typographical union, retaining her "card" through all the later years of editorial work. As the Juvenile Court developed, the committee of public-spirited citizens who first supplied only Mrs.