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"Have you fixed upon any plan?" "No special plan, sah, but I have brought a bag; you see I have him in my hand." "I suppose that's what you carried the clothes in?" "No, sir; I carried dem in a bundle. Dis bag has got linen, and boots, and oder tings for you, sah. What I tink am de best way is dis. Dar am a train pass trou here at two o'clock and stop at dis station. Some people always get out.

He got in and drove it, lights and all, down the street. Trou l

"Even that isn't easy, chum. It's a devilish hard thing to tell even to you." "Is it money trou ?" "No, no!" Watts interrupted. "It isn't that. The truth is I've a great deal more money than is good for me, and apparently always shall have. I wish it were only that!" "How can I help you?" began Peter. "I knew you would," cried Watts, joyfully. "Just the same old reliable you always were. Here.

Those Germans who remained alive inside it surrendered. At the same time a battalion was setting foot in the defenses of the southern edges of the wood of Trou Bricot. The battalion that followed, marching to the outside of the eastern edges, executed with perfect regularity a "left turn" and came and formed up alongside the communication alleys as far as the supporting trench.

They found that they were proceeding inland, and on inquiring of the sergeant he said that they were going to a place called Le Trou, where other English prisoners were confined. "Are there many of them?" inquired Rayner.

"Saints! but there's a dog beyant the bark!" he cried a minute after, as the pup crept over to him and began to be friendly, "I wonder is a mon sinsible to go to trustin' the loight o' any moon that shines full on a pitch-black noight whin 'tis rainin'? Och hone! but me stomach's that empty, gin I don't put on me shoes me lungs'll lake trou the soles o' me fate, and gin I do, me shoes they're that sopped, I'll cough them up o-whurra-r-a! whurra-a! but will I iver see Old Oireland agin, I don't know!"

Q very much wished to present you with a trou trou tro what is that blamed word, Si?" "Trowso," whispered Si "with a trowso," continued Shorty, "but circumstances and about 150 mile o' mud road over which we have no control prevented. "Trowso," prompted Si

"Having learnt from the landlady at Crevant, to whom I have occasionally been of some assistance, that the two Trappists used to lunch at her tavern from time to time, as I have said, I went and took up my abode about half a league from here, in a hermitage known as Le Trou aux Fades, situated in the middle of the woods and open to the first comer, furniture and all.

Nor had they been passive spectators the while for they paid back with interest on my person all that I did to them. They sucked my pego they titillated my testicles, they forced their fingers into the trou de mon cul. Ernestine breathed on my belly while Isabelle slapped my buttocks. George went through exactly the same thing; the consequence was we were all inflamed to the highest degree.

This is in the neighbourhood of Sedan, and in the hollow or trou as it is called which led to the great disaster of 1870, when the French army was caught in a trap, and threatened with annihilation by the Germans, who had taken possession of the surrounding heights. There was to be no repetition of that tragedy. The French were determined that this time the position would be reversed.