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Then there is the conception of play as the utilisation in art of the superfluous energies left unemployed in the practical work of life; this enlarging and harmonising function of play, while in the lower ranges it may be spent trivially, leads in the higher ranges to the production of the most magnificent human achievements.

The poet, more perhaps than any other artist, needs to keep this steadily in view; for words being our daily vehicle of utterance, it may well chance that the alabaster vase of language should be hastily or trivially modelled.

"Matter or spirit," said Anna more gravely, "I can't criticise it. I can't even praise it oh! but that's only be because I haven't the courage!" The lover's reply was low and full of meaning: "Would you praise it if you had the courage?" She could have answered trivially, but something within bade her not. "Yes," she murmured, "I would."

She had said of course all the proper things, so far as they could be said. 'I trust you have been able to make the arrangements you wished. Mrs. Burgoyne and I have been so sorry! Poor Miss Manisty must have had a very tiring day Bah! he could not have believed that a girl could speak so formally, so trivially to a man who within twenty-four hours had saved her from the attack of a madwoman.

'Ah, poor lamb, Kate said trivially, 'he's not long for this world; going home to Jesus, he is, in a jiffy, I should say by the look of 'un. But Susan answered: 'Not so. I dreamed about 'un, and I know for sure that he is to be spared for missionary service. 'Missionary service? repeated Kate, impressed.

It is my custom often, when I have a mind to give myself a more than ordinary cheerfulness, to invite a certain young gentlewoman of our neighbourhood to make one of the company. She did me that favour this day. The presence of a beautiful woman of honour, to minds which are not trivially disposed, displays an alacrity which is not to be communicated by any other object.

The room slowly lost its sombre color and the sense of the confining walls; it became grey and apparently limitless; as monotonous, Lee Randon thought, as life. He was disturbed by a new feeling: that perversely, trivially, he had spoiled what should have been a priceless afternoon.

It is on such feelings and traditions that all that is best in our still feudal English life is reared; Tatham had known them without stint; and in their absence he would have been merely the trivially prosperous young man that he no doubt appeared to the Radical orators of the neighbourhood. The wood thinned.

Almost not quite; in spite of its inexpressive speech, the narrow house is aware and sensitive beyond, as it were, its poor power. But as to the whole disparity between the destiny and the nature, we know it to be general. Life is great that is trivially transmitted; love is great that is vulgarly experienced.

Each one of them made the cast across longer, increased the need for loving-kindness, demanded anew, for the mere pitiful commonplace task of understanding each other which any mother and her child find so trivially easy the power of affection which each would have liked to shower on the other undictated except by the desires of their hearts.