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Now, however, a new danger threatened us. Though we felt quite secure in our "roost" we could not remain there long. It was by no means comfortable, straddling the naked branch of a tree; but the comfort was a small consideration.

It took but a short time to reach the tree, where he had first seen the one who had attempted to betray them, and who had come near succeeding, too, in the effort. "I don't know that anything is to be gained by staying here, and I will go back to where I left Jo and Rosa, and tell them they may take refuge in the cavern without any danger or disturb "

As Aram thus said, he drew a pistol from his bosom; and pointed it leisurely towards a tree, at the distance of some paces. "Look," said he, "you note that small discoloured and white stain in the bark you can but just observe it; he who can send a bullet through that spot, need not fear to meet the quarrel which he seeks to avoid."

Passing through the open gate of Belin, I rode along at the side of the aqueduct to the rock of Chapultepec. It calls up singular reflections to look upon a living thing that has existed for a thousand years, though it be only a tree. Though so many centuries have rolled over the venerable cypresses of Chapultepec, yet they still are sound and vigorous.

"I don't like" Madeira got up and walked back and forth under the crab-apple tree "I don't like for a man without any practical knowledge or experience to get a lot of ideas about a thing and bring them to a field and try to push other chaps out, other chaps who are already in the field."

Let me see now " "Do let me say mine while you are finking. Shall I?" pleaded Tony eagerly. "Little Robin Redbreast Perched upon a tree, Up went Pussy Cat And down went he." By the time he reached the end of the second verse he was almost breathless. "I was afraid you would say it before me," he gasped as he concluded the last line; "that's why I hurried so."

It must be obvious, however, that the thermal condition of a single tree must be different in many ways from that of a combination of trees and more or less stagnant air, such as we call a forest.

I do not think they had been listening to the music, for they were talking and laughing very softly. I heard all they said, and could even smell the rose on the breast of one. I was afraid he would see me; so I went to the other side of the tree, and soon they got up and began to pace up and down in the avenue.

'At the cost of losing you? 'I will be faithful to you! 'And your voice says you promise it out of pity. He had made a pretence of holding his umbrella over her, but Marian turned away and walked to a little distance, and stood beneath the shelter of a great tree, her face averted from him. Moving to follow, he saw that her frame was shaken by soundless sobbing.

There's a tree with the most convenient forked branch where one can sit hidden by the leaves and watch the canaders come up. Last year I heard some quite thrilling fragments of conversation."