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Updated: August 24, 2024

"You see, I'n been with a barge this two 'ear; that's how I'n been gettin' my livin', if it wasn't when I was tentin' the furnace, between whiles, at Torry's mill.

I arranged to take the young man, and to initiate him in the general principles and practice of engineering. The #50 premium was a very useful help to me, especially as I had engaged the millwright. It enabled me to pay Torry's wages during the time that he remained with me in Edinburgh.

I got my bit of a nest-egg, as the master calls it, all by my own sharpness, ten suvreigns it was, wi' dousing the fire at Torry's mill, an' it's growed an' growed by a bit an' a bit, till I'n got a matter o' thirty pound to lay out, besides makin' my mother comfor'ble. I should get more, on'y I'm such a soft wi' the women, I can't help lettin' 'em hev such good bargains.

It would be very dull, prosy work, he thought, writing there forever to the loud ticking of a timepiece. He preferred some other way of getting rich. But at last there was a change; his uncle took a pen and wrote something with a flourish at the end. "You'll just step up to Torry's now, Mr. Spence, will you?" said Mr. Deane, and the clock suddenly became less loud and deliberate in Tom's ears.

But it was a great catch, and the others could feel nothing but envy of Torry's success. He had set a pace that none of them could equal; for after that there did not seem to be another bass of even two pounds' weight in the whole ocean. "Hey, fellows!" ejaculated Ikey suddenly. "Who's this coming?" "Somebody walking on the water, is it?" chuckled Frenchy.

The car started under Torry's careful guidance, and they quickly whisked around the corner into the main street of Seacove, the small port in which the chums had been born and had lived all their lives until they had enlisted as seamen apprentices in the Navy not many months before. They passed the little cottage in which Mrs. Hertig, Seven Knott's mother, lived.

But a fortni't ago I'd a rare bit o' luck, I allays thought I was a lucky chap, for I niver set a trap but what I catched something; but this wasn't trap, it was a fire i' Torry's mill, an' I doused it, else it 'ud set th' oil alight, an' the genelman gen me ten suvreigns; he gen me 'em himself last week.

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