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Updated: August 21, 2024

Lander was moved by the suggestion which he made in person afterwards; it appealed to her old nomadic instinct; but when the consul was gone she gave it up. "We couldn't git the'e, Clementina. I got to stay he'e till I git up my stren'th. I suppose you'd be glad enough to have me sta't, now the'e's nobody he'e but me," she added, suspiciously. "You git this scheme up, or him?"

"now there is a shoe, or call it a slippa, that I've rutha hesitated about showin' to you, because I know that you're all rutha serious-minded, I don't ca'e how young ye be, or how good-lookin' ye be; and I don't presume the'e's one among you that's eve head o' dancin'." In the mirthful hooting and mocking that followed, the shoeman hedged gravely from the extreme position he had taken. "What?

She peered out around the side of the carry-all and scrutinized the landscape. "Hold on! No, yes it is, too! Whoa! Whoa! The'e's a man in that hay-field, now!" She laid hold of the reins and pulled the horse to a stand. Mr. Lander looked round over his shoulder at her. "Hadn't you betta wait till you get within half a mile of the man?" "Well, I want you should stop when you do git to him.

"Oh, don't go!" they chorused in an equally histrionic alarm, and the shoeman got down from his perch to show his wares. "Now, the'a, ladies," he said, pulling out one of the drawers, and dangling a pair of shoes from it by the string that joined their heels, "the'e's a shoe that looks as good as any Sat'd'y-night shoe you eva see.

I've been talking with Geo'ge about it; and the'e's no sense in putting it off. I ought to begin taking care of him at once." "Well, I guess when I tell your motha how you're layin' hold, she won't think it's the same pusson," said her father, proudly. "But it is; I haven't changed a bit." "You ha'n't changed for the wohse, anyway." "Didn't I always try to do what I had to?"

"now there is a shoe, or call it a slippa, that I've rutha hesitated about showin' to you, because I know that you're all rutha serious-minded, I don't ca'e how young ye be, or how good-lookin' ye be; and I don't presume the'e's one among you that's eve' head o' dancin'." In the mirthful hooting and mocking that followed, the shoeman hedged gravely from the extreme position he had taken. "What?

It would be kind of natural. He was the fust. You may think it is strange " Miss Milray, in the superstition of her old-maidenhood concerning love, really thought it cold-blooded and shocking; but she said, "Oh, no." Clementina resumed: "And he says that if it was right for me to stop caring for him when I did, it is right now for me to ca'e for him again, where the'e's no one to be hu't by it.

"The'e's plenty of places where you can be safe from the fella besides home, though I'll take you back the'a this minute if you say so. But you needn't to feel wo'ked up about it." "Oh, I'm not," said Clementina, but with a gulp which betrayed her nervousness. "I did think," Mrs.

"It's real nice at home, too," said Clementina. "We have very good times evenings in the winta; in the summer it's very nice in the woods, around there. It's safe for the children, and they enjoy it, and fatha likes to have them. Motha don't ca'e so much about it. I guess she'd ratha have the house fixed up more, and the place. Fatha's going to do it pretty soon. He thinks the'e's time enough."

Takes hold like lightnin'." "About how old did you say she was?" "Well, you've got me the'a, Mr. Landa; I guess I'll ask Mis' Atwell." "The'e's no hurry," said Lander. "That buckboa'd be round pretty soon?" he asked of the clerk. "Be right along now, Mr. Lander," said the clerk, soothingly.

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