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Paul which had been laid before him since his former decision. He ordered all bishops, in the churches acknowledging his authority, to subscribe to the terms of his letter on pain of deprivation. In Italy itself, Rome's own Italy, eighteen bishops protested against this change of front, and were deprived of their sees under the authority of the civil power.

All were treated as friends, and that night an immense number of knights and squires were admitted to ransom on such terms as had never before been known.

Those lands, remote in position and difficult of access, ought to be disposed of on terms liberal to all, but especially favorable to the early emigrants.

The ballad-mongers took a wide range in their writings, and almost every subject seems to have called for their rhymes. There is a curious little song, dating back to 1601, entitled "O mother, a Hoop," in which the value of hoop-skirts is set forth by a fair damsel in terms that would delight a modern belle. It commences thus: "What a fine thing have I seen to-day! O mother, a Hoop!

And the kid's sole heir to nearly half a million." Mackenzie turned to look again at the boy, who was coming back with the horses. "Do you think he'll stick?" he asked. "Yes, he promised the old man he would, and if he's anything like Malcolm, he'll eat fire before he'll break his word. Malcolm and me we come to terms in ten words.

Happy you, sir, who can meet her upon equal terms, and can afford to marry her without a portion!" "I doubt whether the greatest genius is not debased who has to make a bargain with Poetry," remarks Mr. Spencer. "Nay, sir," Mr.

I have never seen one myself, having no talents that way, but in the little Scotch town of Dumbiedykes where I was born there was an old lady with a remarkable gift of the second sight. Simple folk, not being acquainted with the proper terms to fit the case, called her the Wise Woman.

There came a black frown over Roden's brow as he heard this. "It has been understood between my father and Fanny and myself that you should not come to Hendon while she is living with me." "Should not I have been a party to that agreement?" "Hardly, I think. This agreement must have been made whether you assented or not. On no other terms would my father have permitted her to come.

The vast mass, and roar, and motion of the hall itself soon ceased to confuse or abase him. In proportion to membership, he doubted whether there were more able men there than in the State legislature. They were more acute politicians; they were wilier, and talked in larger terms, manipulating states instead of counties that was all.

"Oh, I don't know! he was in a hurry to do anything that would take the trouble of the farm off his hands; he don't like it." "On what terms has he let him have it?" "On shares and I know, I know under that Didenhover it will bring us in nothing, and it has brought us in nothing all the time we have been here; and I don't know what we are going to live upon "