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Well, I did not stop to think twice about it I started off for Talvig at once I ran nearly all the way. I found my grandmother alone I asked her if she had seen the Froeken? She screamed and clapped her hands like a mad woman! she said that the Froeken was with Mr. Dyceworthy Mr. Dyceworthy would know what to do with her!" "Sapristi!" ejaculated Duprez. "This is serious!"

To the shore they at once betook themselves, and were soon busied in unmooring Gueldmar's own rowing-boat, which, as it had not been used for some time, was rather a tedious business, moreover they noted with concern that the tide was dead against them. Duprez did not appear, the truth is, that he had taken into his head to start off for Talvig on foot without waiting for the others.

On this particular afternoon the appearance of the "Death-Arch," as they called that special form of the aurora, had impressed the Talvig folk greatly. Some of them were at the doors, and, regardless of the piercing cold, occupied themselves in staring languidly at a reindeer sledge which stood outside one of the more distant huts, evidently waiting for some person within.

This cortege was evidently an object of curiosity, the on-lookers eyed it askance, and with a sort of fear. For did it not belong to the terrible bonde, Olaf Gueldmar? and would not the Laplander, a useful boy, well known in Talvig, come to some fatal harm by watching, even for a few minutes, the property of an acknowledged pagan? Who could tell?

She is free free to return to thee an' she will; free also to stay with us, where she has found a happier home than thy miserable hut at Talvig. Britta!" and he thumped his fist on the table. "Look up, child! Speak for thyself! Thou hast a spirit of thine own. Here is thy one earthly relation. Wilt go with her? Neither thy mistress nor I will stand in the way of thy pleasure."

Have you walked thus far from Talvig to pay a visit that must needs be unwelcome?"

It was difficult to ascertain whether the aged Lovisa was satisfied or wrathful, at the departure of the Gueldmars with her granddaughter Britta in their company she kept herself almost buried in her hut at Talvig, and saw no one but Ulrika, who seemed to grow more respectably staid than ever, and who, as a prominent member of the Lutheran congregation, distinguished herself greatly by her godly bearing and uncompromising gloom.

No 'twill be better we should take the boat and pull over to Bosekop; there we can get a carriole to take two of us at least to Talvig " He stopped, interrupted by Macfarlane, who looked particularly shrewd. "I should certainly advise ye to try Bosekop first," he remarked cautiously. "Mr. Dyceworthy might be able to provide ye with valuable information."

In the grief and bewilderment of the time, Valdemar entirely forgot to tell him that a letter from Thelma had arrived for him on the previous afternoon while he was away at Talvig, and was even now on the shelf above the chimney, awaiting perusal. Gueldmar, ignorant of this, began to write slowly and with firmness, disregarding his rapidly sinking strength.

By my soul! The folks of Talvig take up murderers for saints and criminals for guides! 'Tis a wild world! Yes she has gone where all such blessed ones go to heaven!" He shook his clenched fist in the air then hastily gathering up the reins, prepared to start.