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His own works are esteemed to this day, and he certainly could not have supposed that they contained all the wisdom of all the past. No remedy is good, it was said of old, unless applied at the right time in the right way. So we may say of all anecdotes, like this which I have told you about Sydenham and the young man.

Not a word of sympathy, not a word of sorrow. That vindictive answer, and nothing more. We started for Sydenham. From time to time, I looked at Oscar sitting opposite to me, to see if any change appeared in him as we drew nearer and nearer to the place in which Lucilla was now living. No! Still the same ominous silence, the same unnatural self-repression possessed him.

Floyer Sydenham, who died in a debtors' prison in 1788, and incurred his hard fate through devoting his life to a translation of the Dialogues of Plato, was another martyr; from whose ashes arose the Royal Literary Fund, which has prevented many struggling authors from sharing his fate.

In diseases attended with violent pain, opium has double the effect, if venesection and a cathartic have been previously used. On this seems to have been founded the successful practice of Sydenham, who used venesection and a cathartic in chlorosis before the exhibition of the bark, steel, and opiates. Prevent any unnecessary expenditure of sensorial power.

Why, that nipper, being the heir in the direct line, is Lord Stavornell now that the uncle is dead! A lucky stroke for him, by Jupiter!" "Yes," agreed Cleek. "Lucky for him; lucky for Lady Stavornell; lucky for Captain Crawford; and unlucky for the Hon. Mrs. Brinkworth and Mademoiselle Fifi de Lesparre. So, of course Sydenham at last. Good-bye for a little time, Mr. Narkom.

Within two days of the time when they had left the hotel at Sydenham, Catherine and her little family circle had taken possession of the cottage. The two ladies were sitting in the library each occupied with a book chosen from the well-stocked shelves. Catherine's reading appeared to be more than once interrupted by Catherine's thoughts. Noticing this circumstance, Mrs.

As the Canadian portion of the biography was the work of Sydenham's secretary, Murdoch, it carries with it considerable authority. Murdoch was, indeed, one of the most competent of the men round Sydenham. Sydenham to Russell, 26 June, 1841. Hincks, Lecture on the Political History of Canada, 1840-1855, pp. 22-23. Poulett Scrope, p. 243.

A good symposium of extremist comment is contained in Chirol, supra. A good sample of extremist literature is the fairly well-known pamphlet India's "Loyalty" to England . Discussed in the preceding chapter. Lord Sydenham, "India," Contemporary Review, November, 1918. Sir V. Chirol, "India in Travail," Edinburgh Review, July, 1918.

His ideas of responsible government were those which had been steadily inculcated by colonial secretaries since 1839, and were even entertained by Lord Sydenham himself, namely, that the governor should be as influential a factor as possible in the government, and should always remember that he was directly responsible to the crown, and should consider its prerogatives and interests as superior to all local considerations.

Business, travel, and politics combined to form the character of Poulett Thomson. His well-merited titles, Baron Sydenham and Toronto, tend to obscure the fact that he was essentially a member of the great middle class, a civilian who had never worn a sword or a military uniform.