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And so, with another volley of snowballs pitched into the front of the wagon, and three times three cheers, we rushed by. With that, an old fellow in the wagon, who was buried up under an old hat and beneath a rusty cloak, and who had dropped the reins, bawled out, 'Why do you frighten my horse? "'Why don't you turn out, then? said the driver. "So we gave him three rousing cheers more.

He looked ruefully at his snowballs; perhaps after all he had been hypercritical, perhaps one or two of those pages might be rescued and smoothed out and made to answer. After all, who else would be the better or the worse for it?

Piles of snowballs were placed inside the castle walls, and there were also heaps of snow out of which others could be manufactured. Lemon had brought his horn, and the besieging army had a couple among them, which had a very fine effect. Frank, having marshalled his troops, formed them into three divisions, which were to attack simultaneously on different sides.

And when it was finished some other boys came along and there was a snow battle. Bert and Charley, inside the fort, threw snowballs at the other boys outside. And every time they threw, Bert and Charley would dodge down behind the walls of the fort, so they were not hit very often.

Jan. 18, 186- buly snowbaling. i went out today a long time, mother told me not to plug snowballs, so i only throwed 2 or 3. i am hungry all the time. Jan. 19. brite and fair. one of my hens died when i was sick and the rooster frose his comb. it is prety tuf on me. Jan. 20. i went sliding today on factory hill, it was buly. they wasent hardly ennyone there. Jan. 21. brite and fair.

For although he preserved the strictest discipline, he frolicked with his officers like a boy, playing at snowballs, or marbles, or whatever they chose, and enjoying it all heartily.

"No that is, not a real fight. I chased him with some snowballs and he threw a big chunk of ice at me." "Did he hit you?" "No, he he oh, Nan, perhaps I had better tell you. But you must promise not to tell anybody else." "Tell me what?" "Will you promise not to tell?" "Yes," said Nan promptly, for she and her twin brother always trusted each other.

A shower of snowballs followed him as he ran to the refuge of the breakfast-hall, for there was not a boy present, no matter to what faction he belonged, who did not feel for Jones a very hearty contempt. "I hope we shall have no more of this, boys," said Power, before the rest dispersed.

That winter morning when Charles lost his head in front of the banqueting-hall of his own palace, the icicles hung from the eaves of the houses here, and the clown kicked the snowballs from his clouted shoon, and thought but of his supper when, at three o'clock, the red sun set in the purple mist.

The man was so astonished that he dropped a parcel of eggs he was carrying, and they were all broken. "That's what comes," said Tommie, "of imagining evil where none exists." The man was so angry that he made some snowballs hastily and began to pelt Tommie with them; but Tommie understood the beautiful art of dodging which some people never learn all their lives so he didn't get hit.