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Updated: July 31, 2024

What a interestin study it is to see a zewological animil like a snaik under perfeck subjecshun! My kangaroo is the most larfable little cuss I ever saw. All for 15 cents. I am anxyus to skewer your infloounce. I repeet in regard to them hanbills that I shall git 'em struck orf up to your printin office. My perlitercal sentiments agree with yourn exackly.

"I do that, sor," said the man defiantly; "and the day has dawned at last when the down-thrampled Boers are goin' to give them a lesson that shall make the British lion snaik out of this counthry with his tail between his legs like a beaten dog." "You are a British subject, sir," said my father. "Mahn, I scorrun it," cried our visitor.

Squeezed up into a corner I found this postscript: If you will come and be an Indian Cheef unkel dick, I will make you a spear, and you can be Blood-in-the-Eye. He was a fine chap and nobody could beat him except Spotted Snaik, will you Unkel dick? "He wants you to write an answer, and I'm to take it to him," said Dorothy. "Blood-in-the-Eye!" I repeated; "no, I'm afraid not.

An' I is strong as en ox, don' know 'bout de snaik. Marster, is you gwine tek me 'way from Richmond?" "Albemarle," said the tobacco-roller briefly. "To-morrow morning." Joab studied the vine above the porch. "Kin I go tell my ole mammy good-bye? She's washin' yonder in de creek."

"You seem to know a great deal about it." "Oh, yes," nodded Dorothy. "Reginald has a book all about Indians and full of pictures and here's the letter," she ended, and slipped it into my hand. Smoothing out its many folds and creases, I read as follows: To my pail-face brother: Ere another moon, Spotted Snaik will be upon the war-path, and red goar shall flo in buckkit-fulls.

Obediently I turned, and read: 'ere another moon, scalps shall dangel at belt of Spotted Snaik, for in his futsteps lurk deth, and distruksion. But fear not pail-face, thou art my brother fairwell. Sined SPOTTED SNAIK. "There was lots more, but we couldn't get it in," said Dorothy.

Blacks invariably give the snake and its retreat a wide berth on the principle enunciated by Josh Billings: "Wen I see a snaik's hed sticking out of a hole I sez that hole belongs to that snaik." Among them this species has the reputation of attacking off-hand whosoever disturbs it, and of being provided with deadly venom.

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