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It was what he had been used to see as a boy when his parents were alive, for his father before him had been a "skeely" man in that line. So Donald built to himself a kind of hut in a wild, unfrequented glen.

Eh, man, Edie! but she was a trimmer it wad hae taen a skeely man to hae squared wi' her! But she's in her grave, and we may loose our tongues a bit fan we meet a friend. But fare ye weel, Edie I maun be back to the evening-service. An' ye come to Inverurie maybe sax months awa, dinna forget to ask after Francie Macraw."

For the hand is truer to the soul than the face: it has no moods, it borrows no expressions, and she read the Richard that she knew and loved in these long fingers, stained by his skeely trade and scored with cuts commemorative of adventure and bronzed with golden weather, and the broad knuckles that were hollowed between the bones as usually only frail hands are, just as his strong character was fissured by reserve and fastidiousness and all the delicacies that one does not expect to find in the robust.

But Robert, the domestic with whom Sir Arthur had been so much displeased in the morning, as if he had been watching for an opportunity to display his zeal, stepped hastily forward and said to his mistress, "If you please, ma'am, this auld man, Ochiltree, is very skeely and auld-farrant about mony things, as the diseases of cows and horse, and sic like, and I am sure be disna want to be at Tannonburgh the day for naething, since he insists on't this gate; and, if your leddyship pleases, I'll drive him there in the taxed-cart in an hour's time.

Through the introduction of a mutual friend, he has been induced to come with me, and do us the honours of his native land. "O whar will I get a skeely skipper, To sail this gude ship o' mine?

'The King sits in Dunfermline tower, Drinking the bluid-red wine. "O whaur will I get a skeely skipper To sail this new ship o' mine?" A dead silence ensued, whereupon the king said testily, "Now, Dandie, you never remember you're the eldern knight; go on!" Thus reminded, Dandie recited:

Eh, man, Edie! but she was a trimmer it wad hae taen a skeely man to hae squared wi' her! But she's in her grave, and we may loose our tongues a bit fan we meet a friend. But fare ye weel, Edie I maun be back to the evening-service. An' ye come to Inverurie maybe sax months awa, dinna forget to ask after Francie Macraw."