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I knew the men couldn't leave you alone with that face. Thank you, six-five." The old hag showed her toothless gums in a hideous smile, the woman that was left in the dried shell still tickled at the reference to marriage. But her look changed to one of intense pain as Pinkey, trembling with excitement, nudged her violently in the ribs as a signal to keep on bidding.

The prioress had one and one, the sub-prioress one and two. Six-five announced lessons, so that the pupils never said "to go to lessons," but "to go to six-five." Four-four was Madame de Genlis's signal. It was very often heard. "C'est le diable a quatre," it's the very deuce said the uncharitable. Tennine strokes announced a great event.

Good strong beefsteak is my pace." She let him lift her face for a kiss. "I'll be home six-forty-six to the dot. That's what I've figured out it takes me if I leave the office at six-five." He kissed her again, pressing her head backward against the cove of his arm, pinching her cheeks together so that her mouth puckered. "Won't kiss my little wife on the lips this morning.

"Gad-a-mercy, what do you mean, getting here at six-five! I have my tea at six, sir; at six sharp. Either get here on time or stay away. I don't care which. Do you hear?" "Yes, sir," young Sam would murmur. "Where have you been? Mooning after that female at the Stuffed Animal House?" "I had to leave a message, sir, about the lease." "How long does it take to leave a message about a lease?"

At five-fifty Sir George departed, as usual, to catch the six-five for Wimbledon, where he had a large residence, which outwardly resembled at once a Bloomsbury boarding-house, a golf-club, and a Riviera hotel. Henry, after Sir George's exit, lapsed into his principal's chair and into meditation. The busy life of the establishment died down until only the office-boys and Henry were left.

There’s a train that goes in at seven-forty-five, and if you don’t favor the idea of ridin’ on it you can take the express that goes by at six-five." Arethusa pressed her hands very tightly together and carried the discussion no further. She went to bed early and rose early the next morning and Joshua drove her in town to the seven-forty-five.

Patricia wiped away the last tear, and laughed, and added, in a matter-of-fact fashion: "There's a train at six-five in the morning; we can leave by that, before anyone is up." Charteris started. "Your husband loves you," he said, in gentle reproof. "And quite candidly, you know, Rudolph is worth ten of me." "Bah, I tell you, that was a comedy for my benefit," she protested, and began to laugh.