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Although the meadows were unproductive ground to a naturalist, the woods on their borders teemed with life; the number and variety of curious insects of all orders which occurred here was quite wonderful. The belt of forest was intersected by numerous pathways leading from one settler's house to another.

In Starlight's relations with women, for instance, there is nothing but what is manly and honourable, whereas one of Gardiner's exploits was the seduction of a settler's wife, a beautiful woman whom he induced to elope with him to a remote district in Queensland.

So the strangers saw that the principle which leads parents to bore their unoffending visitors with copybooks and the 'Battle of Prague, is applicable to backwood accomplishments also. As a general rule, conversation does not flourish in the bush. The settler's isolated life is not favourable to exchange of thought, and events are few.

In the days when Dade County and all this end of Florida were in hourly dread of Seminole raids from the Everglade country, and where every settler's house must be not only his castle, but " "I'm sorry to have to remind you," she broke in, freezingly, "that I asked you not to speak to me. Surely you can have at least that much chivalry, when I am helpless to get out of hearing from you.

Our young adventurers turned their faces westward, and were soon riding under the shadows of majestic woods. At this time there were few white settlements west of the Mississippi river. The small towns upon its banks, with here and there a settler's "clearing" or a squatter's cabin, were the only signs of civilisation to be met with.

They even discovered and visited several pioneer families "nesters" in the language of the cowpunchers and stockmen who welcomed the Eastern girls with vast curiosity. "And how some of these folks can live in such Wild places, and in such perfectly barren cabins, I do not see," groaned Helen Cameron after a visit to one settler's family near a wild canyon to the west of Benbow Camp.

At this time, Brant with his Indians having penetrated the swamp, turned the left flank of the settler's line, and with a terrible war-whoop and savage yell, made a desperate charge upon the troops composing that wing, which fell very fast, and were immediately cut to pieces with the tomahawk.

The few chickens in the settlement mistook the clock and went to roost. At every settler's house, wondering eyes watched the unheard-of phenomenon, so like, yet utterly unlike, the sun's eclipse. "Listen, Asher," Virginia exclaimed, as the two stood on the low swell behind the house. "Listen to the roar, but there's no wind nor thunder." "Hear that rasping edge to the rumble.

And he could not keep away from him the white, thin face of the Missioner, who had promised on his faith In God to care for Nada, and who had passed the settler's cabin alone. Another two hours they went on and then came the first of the green timber. Under the shelter of some balsams Jolly Roger found a resting place and there they waited for the break of dawn. Peter stretched out and slept.

It led him to a settler's flimsy shack, the house of Tampico's parents, and as the big Bear reached it two human beings scrambled out of the rear door. "My husband," shrieked the woman, "pray! Let us pray to the saints for help!" "Where is my pistol?" cried the husband. "Trust in the saints," said the frightened woman.