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He is soured and ill-conditioned, the readiest stuff to make a rebel and a traitor of! What more Elmur might have urged was cut short by the entrance of Colendorp. He had left his sword outside. He saluted Sagan in his stiff punctilious way, his dark and sallow face impenetrable. 'I am glad to see you, Captain Colendorp, said Sagan with some constraint.

All the morning he had been speculating upon the course Counsellor would pursue after the rencontre of the previous night. Most likely disappear from the Castle. He would not dare to brazen it out. Sagan argued that the British envoy could not be very sure of his position yet. What had he proposed to the Duke? And how had the Duke answered him?

On all counts he was now prepared to yield to Valerie's wishes; perhaps looking ahead even in that moment, he saw a fresh combination before him, which, while quite equally safe and useful to himself, omitted Count Sagan. The Chancellor raised his eyes. At this moment diplomatically he was superb.

No first night or ball was complete without him, Sagan. The very mention of his name in their articles must have kept the wolf from the door of needy reporters. No debutante, social or theatrical, felt sure of her success until it had received the hall-mark of his approval.

Amongst the beauties of this brilliant company may be especially noticed Madame de Viel-Castel, the young princesse Amédé de Broglie, the duchesse de Chaulnes with her strange, unconventional type of beauty, Madame Ferdinand Bischoffsheim, the comtesse Beugnot, the comtesse Tanneguy-Duchâtel and the princesse de Sagan.

Had he not led them on to victory in their youth? On the boulevards or at a race-course, he was the one person always known by sight and pointed out. "There goes Sagan!" He had become an institution. One does not know exactly how or why he achieved the position, which made him the most followed, flattered, and copied man of his day. It certainly was unique!

'The Guard must consider their reputation. We have had too many scandals already, and no one will thank you for dragging a fresh one into Révonde for public discussion. Sagan was amazed at his own moderation in arguing the question at all. He looked to see it have its due effect upon the Englishman. But Rallywood stood unmoved and stubborn beside the grave.

Quick! what is it you have to tell me? said Counsellor's voice. Rallywood answered in a few rapid sentences. 'Yes, I fancied something of the kind was due. What an inestimable blessing it is that such women as the Countess Sagan exist to satisfy diplomatic curiosity! We must find out the precise limits of the German game at the Castle of Sagan.

There was a shallow ring as the steel broke, then a clash of metal as the Count flung the hilt upon the point, as if the touch contaminated him. 'John Rallywood, this court has found you guilty and condemned you to die! And I, Count Simon of Sagan, colonel-in-chief of the Guard of Maäsau, now pronounce upon you the sentence of death. Trusted by the Guard, you chose to betray them!

There are questions which cannot be asked of anyone, because the answer touches too closely. Rallywood pulled himself up with a sudden sense of being ridiculously in earnest. And then they were dancing. 'Yet you are not a stranger in Révonde. Madame de Sagan could have answered your question had you cared to ask it, the girl said. 'It did not strike me to ask her.